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Account under Mike Zeller till March 25, 2024

12 Uncommon Diabetes Symptoms and How to Deal With Them

You probably know that diabetes can cause frequent urination, increased thirst, and tiredness.

But there are other less-obvious signs that might seem normal but could indicate high blood sugar levels.

These subtle symptoms are easy to overlook, yet spotting them early can be crucial for managing the condition effectively.

In this article, we discuss…

  • 12 surprising diabetes symptoms that might be hiding in plain sight.
  • Practical lifestyle habits that can significantly slash your risk of developing diabetes.
  • How NAD benefits can play a crucial role in keeping your blood sugar levels optimized.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 422 million people all over the world have diabetes, and the number is expected to rise. 

In the United States alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, with approximately 1.5 million new cases diagnosed each year.

Diabetes does not discriminate, but certain populations are more vulnerable. 

Adults over the age of 45, individuals with a family history of diabetes, and those with obesity are at higher risk. 

These people have impaired insulin regulation, leading to persistent high blood sugar levels, known as hyperglycemia. 

This can lead to serious health complications—such as cardiovascular disease, neuropathy (nerve damage), kidney damage, blindness, and diabetic ketoacidosis, to name a few—if not properly managed.

While many are familiar with the common symptoms of diabetes such as frequent urination, increased thirst, and fatigue, several lesser-known signs might indicate the presence of this condition. 

Here are 12 uncommon signs of diabetes to be aware of:

1. Darkened Skin Patches (Acanthosis Nigricans)

Have you ever noticed dark, velvety patches on your skin, especially in areas like your neck, armpits, or groin? 

This condition is known as acanthosis nigricans, and while it might seem harmless or just a cosmetic issue, it can actually be an important indicator of what’s happening inside your body. 

When your skin develops these dark patches, it’s often a sign that your body is becoming resistant to insulin.

Insulin resistance is a condition where your body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. 

When your cells resist insulin, your body needs to produce more of it to keep your blood sugar levels in check. 

This overproduction can lead to higher levels of insulin in your blood, which then causes the skin cells to multiply faster than usual, resulting in those dark patches. 

A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care supports this connection, showing that acanthosis nigricans is frequently observed in individuals with insulin resistance and is often a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

So, if you ever spot these dark patches on your skin, don’t just brush them off. 

They could be an early warning sign that your body is struggling with insulin resistance, and it’s a good idea to get your blood sugar levels checked.

2. Frequent Yeast Infections

Frequent yeast infections aren’t just annoying—it could actually be a sign that something’s off with your blood sugar levels. 

When your blood sugar is high, it creates the perfect environment for yeast to thrive. This is because yeast feeds on sugar, so the more sugar there is in your system, the more it can grow. 

For women, this often means recurrent vaginal yeast infections. But it’s not just limited to that—both men and women can get skin infections or oral yeast infections, also known as thrush.

Therefore, if you notice you’re getting these infections more often than usual, it might be your body’s way of telling you to check your blood sugar. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that high blood sugar levels are closely linked to an increased risk of fungal infections, including those caused by Candida, the type of yeast responsible for these infections . 

So, if you’re experiencing frequent yeast infections, it’s worth talking to your doctor and getting your blood sugar levels tested.

3. Slow-Healing Wounds

Have you ever noticed that a small cut or bruise seems to be taking forever to heal? 

It might be more than just a nuisance—it could be a sign that your blood sugar levels are higher than they should be. 

When your blood sugar is elevated, it can really mess with your body’s ability to heal itself. 

You see, high blood sugar can damage your blood vessels, reducing blood flow. 

And good blood flow is essential for healing because it delivers the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the injured area.

If your blood sugar is consistently high, this impaired circulation means your cuts and bruises are not getting the help they need to heal quickly. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people with higher blood sugar levels experienced slower wound healing due to the reduced function of their immune cells and poor circulation

So, if you find yourself dealing with wounds that seem to linger, it might be worth getting your blood sugar checked.

4. Tingling or Numbness in Hands and Feet (Peripheral Neuropathy)

Do you ever feel a strange tingling or numbness in your hands and feet, almost like a burning sensation?

This is something called peripheral neuropathy, and it’s pretty common in people with diabetes. 

When your blood sugar stays elevated for too long, it can start to damage the nerves, especially in your extremities.

These nerves are super important for sending signals back and forth between your brain and the rest of your body. When they get damaged, you can start to feel that tingling, numbness, or even burning sensation. 

And it’s not just a minor discomfort—it’s your body’s way of telling you that something’s up. 

For example, a study published in Diabetes Care found a significant correlation  between high blood sugar levels and the development of peripheral neuropathy. 

They found that the longer your blood sugar is out of control, the more likely you are to develop this kind of nerve damage.

5. Changes in Vision

When your blood sugar spikes and drops, it doesn’t just affect your energy levels—it can also impact your eyes. 

High blood sugar levels cause the lenses in your eyes to swell, which changes their shape and how they focus light. This can lead to periodic blurriness or sudden shifts in how clearly you see things.

Think of your eye as a camera. If the lens isn’t the right shape, the pictures come out blurry. The same thing happens with your vision when your blood sugar is out of whack. 

In fact, flactuation in your blood sugar levels can significantly affect the refractive state of the eye, leading to temporary vision changes. 

These changes can cause the lens to swell and then return to normal once blood sugar levels stabilize, which explains why your vision might be clear one day and blurry the next.

6. Hearing Impairment

Diabetes can affect so many parts of your body, and your ears are no exception. 

High blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels and nerves in your ears, which can lead to hearing problems.

Just like diabetes can cause damage to the nerves in your hands and feet, it can also impact the delicate structures in your ears. 

This can make it harder to hear clearly and can even lead to sudden hearing loss. 

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that hearing impairment is more common in adults with diabetes than in those without

The researchers suggest that high blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels and nerves in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.

Therefore, if you’re noticing changes in your hearing, it’s a good idea to get your blood sugar levels checked. It could be a sign that your diabetes needs better management, and addressing it could help prevent further damage.

7. Gum Disease and Oral Health Problems

Red, swollen, or bleeding gums? 

It might not just be a dental hygiene issue—it could actually be linked to your blood sugar levels. 

When your blood sugar is high, it can weaken your immune system, which makes your gums more susceptible to infections. This can lead to gum disease and other oral health problems.

High blood sugar provides a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to infections in your mouth. 

Your immune system is already working harder to manage your blood sugar, so it has less capacity to fight off these bacteria. This is why people with diabetes are more prone to gum disease.

A study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that individuals with poorly controlled diabetes are significantly more likely to develop periodontal disease than those with well-controlled diabetes. 

This is because high blood sugar levels can lead to inflammation and infection in the gums, making them more prone to bleeding and swelling.

8. Unusual or Fruity-Smelling Breath

This unusual or fruity-smelling breath is often a warning sign of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). 

DKA happens when your body can’t use sugar for energy because of a lack of insulin, so it starts breaking down fats instead. 

This process produces ketones, which can cause your breath to smell sweet or fruity.

When your body is running out of fuel, it turns to an alternative source—fat. But while this might sound efficient, it’s actually dangerous. 

High levels of ketones in your blood can make it acidic, leading to severe health complications. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people with DKA had elevated levels of ketones in their blood, which corresponded with the characteristic sweet breath odor.

Therefore, if you or someone you know has diabetes and notices this unusual breath smell, it’s crucial to seek medical attention right away. It’s your body’s way of signaling that it needs help, and catching it early can prevent serious complications.

9. Extreme Hunger

Have you ever felt constantly hungry, no matter how much you eat? Like you just finished a meal, but your stomach is already growling again?

This persistent and excessive hunger can actually be a sign that your blood sugar levels are out of balance. 

When you have diabetes, your cells can have trouble getting the glucose they need for energy. 

Even though there’s plenty of sugar in your blood, it can’t get into the cells without enough insulin. So, your body responds by making you feel hungry, trying to get more energy.

It’s like your cells are starving in the middle of a feast. 

They need glucose to function, but without insulin to help move the glucose into the cells, they can’t access it. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that individuals with insulin resistance—a hallmark of type 2 diabetes—experience increased hunger and food intake because their cells aren’t effectively absorbing glucose. 

This leads to a vicious cycle of eating more but still feeling hungry because the cells remain deprived of the energy they need.

10. Unexplained Weight Loss

Are you losing weight without even trying? 

While it might sound like a dream come true for some, unexplained weight loss can actually be a sign of something serious, especially if you have diabetes. 

In type 1 diabetes, your body can’t produce enough insulin to help glucose get into your cells. Without this vital energy source, your body starts breaking down muscle and fat for energy instead, which leads to weight loss.

Imagine your body is like a car that suddenly can’t get gas, so it starts using up its own parts to keep running. 

This process is your body’s desperate attempt to find fuel, which results in significant weight loss.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with type 1 diabetes who had poor insulin control experienced significant weight loss because their bodies were unable to use glucose effectively. 

Instead, their bodies broke down muscle and fat to compensate for the lack of accessible energy.

11. Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

When your blood sugar is elevated, it creates a prime environment for bacteria to thrive, which increases your risk of infections like UTIs.

Here’s how it works: sugar in your urine can essentially feed bacteria, making it easier for them to multiply and cause infections in your urinary tract. 

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology found that individuals with poorly controlled diabetes are more susceptible to UTIs due to elevated glucose levels in urine

This higher urine glucose levels can promote bacterial growth, leading to recurrent UTIs.

So, if you’re experiencing these symptoms—like a strong urge to urinate, burning sensation, or cloudy urine—it might be worth checking your blood sugar levels. 

Managing your diabetes effectively can help reduce your risk of UTIs and improve your overall urinary health.

12. Digestive Issues

Are you feeling full quickly or having frequent nausea and vomiting? 

It might not just be something you ate—it could actually be related to your blood sugar levels, especially if you have diabetes. 

High blood sugar can damage the nerves that control digestion, particularly the vagus nerve, leading to conditions like gastroparesis.

The vagus nerve helps regulate the movement of food through your digestive tract. When it’s damaged by high blood sugar levels, your stomach can’t empty properly, causing food to stay in your stomach longer than it should. 

This delay in digestion can lead to symptoms like bloating, heartburn, and even episodes of vomiting. 

Research published in the Journal of Diabetes and its Complications has shown that individuals with diabetes are at higher risk of developing gastroparesis due to nerve damage caused by chronic high blood sugar levels.

While these symptoms don’t necessarily indicate diabetes, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate testing.

Early detection and management can also help prevent complications and improve overall health.

How to Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential for overall health and well-being, especially for those with diabetes or at risk of developing it. 

Here are key strategies to achieve and sustain healthy blood sugar levels:

Balanced Diet

When it comes to supporting healthy blood sugar levels, your diet plays a crucial role. 

It’s not just about what you eat, but how you balance your meals. 

A balanced diet should include a variety of foods: think vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. 

These whole, unprocessed foods provide a steady supply of nutrients without causing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Complex carbs, found in whole grains like brown rice and oats, legumes like beans and lentils, and vegetables like sweet potatoes and spinach, are digested more slowly. 

This gradual digestion leads to a more gradual increase in blood sugar levels, helping to maintain stability throughout the day.

Monitoring portion sizes is also key. Eating smaller, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day can prevent large swings in blood sugar levels. 

This approach not only supports stable energy levels but also helps in managing weight—a crucial factor in blood sugar regulation. 

High-fiber foods are another ally in this journey. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are rich in fiber, which slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. 

This slow release of glucose into the bloodstream helps maintain more consistent blood sugar levels over time.

By incorporating these dietary principles—variety, complex carbohydrates, portion control, and fiber—you can take proactive steps to support healthy blood sugar levels and overall well-being.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is so important for keeping your blood sugar levels in check. 

When you drink enough water, your body functions more efficiently, including how it handles glucose. 

Dehydration, on the other hand, can lead to higher blood sugar levels because your body produces less urine. 

This reduction in urine production makes it harder for your body to eliminate excess glucose, contributing to spikes in blood sugar.

Research published in the Diabetes Care journal shows that adequate hydration can help regulate blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier for your body to use glucose for energy rather than letting it accumulate in the bloodstream.

To support healthy blood sugar levels, it’s essential to limit your intake of sugary drinks. 

Beverages like soda, energy drinks, and sweetened coffees can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar due to their high sugar content. 

Instead, opt for water, herbal teas, or other low-calorie beverages that won’t cause your blood sugar to skyrocket. 

By staying hydrated with the right fluids, you can play an active role in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and supporting your overall health.

Regular Exercise

If you’re looking to support healthy blood sugar levels, regular exercise can make a big difference.

It’s not just about staying fit—it actually helps your body manage glucose more effectively. 

When you exercise regularly, like with aerobic activities such as walking or cycling, or strength training like lifting weights, your muscles become more sensitive to insulin. 

This means they can absorb glucose from your bloodstream more efficiently, which helps lower your blood sugar levels naturally.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reports that physical activity enhances the body’s ability to use insulin effectively, reducing the risk of high blood sugar levels. 

Moreover, exercise directly lowers blood sugar levels by causing muscles to take up glucose for energy. 

This action not only helps to bring down immediate blood sugar spikes but also supports overall blood sugar regulation over time.

To get the most out of your exercise routine, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. 

This could include brisk walking, swimming, or dancing. 

Additionally, incorporating muscle-strengthening activities like weightlifting or resistance exercises on two or more days a week can further enhance your blood sugar management. 

By making regular exercise a part of your lifestyle, you can support healthy blood sugar levels and improve your overall well-being.

Manage Stress

Managing stress is crucial for keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy range. 

When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause blood sugar to rise. 

To counter this, practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can be really effective. 

These activities help calm your mind and body, reducing the production of stress hormones that can spike your blood sugar levels.

A study from Psychoneuroendocrinology Journal reported that activities like mindfulness meditation and yoga can lower cortisol levels and enhance insulin sensitivity, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes.

Additionally, maintaining a positive outlook and engaging in enjoyable activities can further reduce stress and its impact on blood sugar regulation.

By incorporating these stress management strategies into your daily routine, you can support healthier blood sugar levels and overall well-being. 

Taking time for relaxation and positivity isn’t just good for your mental health—it’s also an important part of managing diabetes and maintaining optimal blood sugar control.

Prioritize Good Sleep Hygiene

Getting quality sleep is crucial for keeping your blood sugar levels stable and supporting overall health. 

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to help your body regulate insulin and glucose more effectively.

Studies, such as those published in Diabetes Care, have shown that inadequate sleep can lead to increased insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels, especially in individuals with diabetes.

Establishing a regular sleep schedule is also key. 

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps maintain your body’s internal clock, which plays a role in hormone regulation, including those that affect blood sugar. 

Research also suggests that irregular sleep patterns can disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to fluctuations in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

Creating a restful sleep environment can further support healthy blood sugar levels. 

Make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. 

Limiting exposure to screens and blue light from electronic devices before bedtime can also improve sleep quality. 

These practices help promote relaxation and signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for restorative sleep.

By prioritizing good sleep hygiene—like aiming for consistent sleep hours, optimizing your sleep environment, and minimizing disruptions—you can help manage your blood sugar levels more effectively and improve your overall well-being.

Optimize Your NAD Levels

When it comes to supporting healthy blood sugar levels, optimizing your NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) levels can be a game-changer. 

NAD is a vital coenzyme involved in energy metabolism and cellular function throughout the body. 

In fact, a study published in the Cell Metabolism discovered that NAD plays a crucial role in improving insulin sensitivity, enhancing mitochondrial function, and reducing oxidative stress—all of which are key factors in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

To naturally boost your NAD levels, incorporate habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet rich in NAD precursors. 

Foods like fish, chicken, and avocados are high in niacin, a nutrient that supports NAD production. 

Additionally, taking supplements that contain NAD precursors, such as nicotinamide riboside or nicotinamide mononucleotide, may be beneficial under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

How Optimizing NAD Levels Can Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell of the body, playing a vital role in various metabolic processes, including the regulation of blood sugar levels. 

Here are several ways NAD can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels:

1. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Optimizing your NAD levels can really make a difference in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. 

NAD is crucial for the activity of sirtuins, a group of proteins known for their role in regulating metabolic processes. 

Studies, such as those published in Cell Metabolism, highlight how sirtuins enhance insulin sensitivity—meaning they help cells respond better to insulin, allowing them to absorb glucose more efficiently. 

This improved insulin sensitivity can lead to lower blood sugar levels and better overall glucose control.

2. Enhances Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondria are like the powerhouses of our cells, responsible for generating energy that fuels various metabolic processes, including glucose metabolism. 

Research published in the Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, discovered that NAD is essential for the activity of enzymes involved in mitochondrial energy production

By ensuring adequate NAD levels, you can help support the optimal functioning of mitochondria, which in turn enhances overall metabolism. 

This improved mitochondrial function enables the body to efficiently utilize glucose for energy, thereby contributing to better blood sugar regulation.

3. Supports Glucose Metabolism

NAD is essential for glucose metabolism through its involvement in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, as discussed in Cell Metabolism and Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

These processes are fundamental for converting glucose into usable energy within our cells.

NAD also acts as a coenzyme for key enzymes involved in glycolysis, where glucose is broken down to produce energy-rich molecules. 

Additionally, NAD is crucial for the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle, which further extracts energy from these molecules. 

By supporting these metabolic pathways, NAD ensures that glucose is efficiently utilized for energy production rather than accumulating in the bloodstream.

4. Reduces Oxidative Stress

When blood sugar levels are high, it can lead to oxidative stress—a condition where there’s an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, resulting in damage to cells and tissues. 

Studies published in the Journal of Frontiers in Endocrinology and Journal of Diabetes Research emphasize NAD’s role in activating antioxidant enzymes like SIRT1 and catalase, which help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.

NAD acts as a cofactor for these antioxidant enzymes, enhancing their activity to neutralize harmful free radicals generated during high blood sugar conditions.

By reducing oxidative stress, NAD helps maintain the integrity of cells and tissues, mitigating the detrimental effects associated with chronic hyperglycemia, such as diabetic complications.

Research also suggests that supporting NAD levels through dietary sources rich in NAD precursors (like niacin), regular physical activity, and potentially NAD-boosting supplements under medical guidance can enhance antioxidant defense mechanisms. 

This, in turn, supports overall cellular health and contributes to better management of blood sugar levels.

By reducing oxidative stress, NAD plays a pivotal role in promoting long-term metabolic health and protecting against diabetes-related complications.

5. Promotes Healthy Inflammatory Response

Optimizing your NAD levels can really help maintain healthy blood sugar levels by promoting a healthy inflammatory response. 

When inflammation becomes chronic, it can interfere with insulin signaling, which is crucial for cells to absorb glucose effectively. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Immunology, NAD plays a vital role in regulating inflammatory pathways.

It acts as a cofactor for enzymes like SIRT1 and PARPs, which are involved in modulating inflammation. 

By supporting these enzymes, NAD helps to balance the body’s inflammatory response, preventing it from becoming excessive or prolonged. 

This balanced inflammatory state is essential for maintaining normal insulin function and ensuring that cells respond properly to insulin signals, thereby helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.

6. Aids in DNA Repair

NAD is crucial for the activity of enzymes involved in DNA repair. Maintaining genomic stability is essential for the overall health of metabolic pathways, including those involved in blood sugar regulation.

NAD is essential for the activity of enzymes like PARPs (Poly ADP-ribose polymerases) and SIRT1 (Sirtuin 1), which play critical roles in repairing damaged DNA. 

DNA damage can occur due to various factors, including oxidative stress and metabolic dysfunction, which are often associated with high blood sugar levels. 

By facilitating DNA repair processes, NAD helps to preserve the integrity of genetic material within cells. 

This is crucial for ensuring that metabolic pathways, including those responsible for glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, function optimally.

However, NAD depletion or imbalance can impair DNA repair mechanisms, potentially leading to genomic instability and contributing to metabolic disorders such as diabetes. 

Therefore, maintaining adequate NAD levels through dietary intake of NAD precursors (like niacin-rich foods), regular physical activity, and potentially NAD-boosting supplements may help support these repair processes and promote overall metabolic health.

7. Supports Weight Management

NAD is crucial for metabolic processes that regulate energy metabolism and cellular function. 

When your body has sufficient NAD, it enhances mitochondrial function and promotes efficient energy production.

This can lead to better metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, which are key for maintaining a healthy weight. 

NAD also plays a significant role in regulating adipose tissue metabolism and energy homeostasis, contributing to overall weight management.

Furthermore, maintaining a healthy weight is closely tied to better blood sugar control.

Excess weight, especially visceral fat around organs, can lead to insulin resistance and higher blood sugar levels.

By supporting metabolic processes through optimal NAD levels, you can improve energy expenditure and enhance your body’s ability to manage blood sugar effectively.

If you want to support healthy blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and consider taking NAD supplements to optimize your metabolism and overall health. 

How can you do it? Here are two ways:

Two Steps to Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. 

This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you manage chronic fatigue. 

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

When it comes to boosting your NAD levels, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and combat chronic fatigue. 

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation
  • Support healthy weight and metabolism
  • Support healthy mitochondrial function

You can get Vitality Boost here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality Boost supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality Boost for a month.

Afterwards, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to support healthy blood sugar levels…

Order Vitality Boost and Intracellular NAD® Test, or Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

creatine for muscles

The Complete Creatine Guide: How to Optimize Strength and Longevity

Creatine is widely celebrated for its muscle-building benefits, making it a staple supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts aiming to enhance their strength and physique. 

Beyond its well-known benefits in promoting muscle mass and performance, creatine offers a range of lesser-known advantages that extend far beyond the gym. 

From supporting cognitive health to improving metabolic function, creatine’s versatility makes it a valuable addition to various wellness routines. 

Growing research also suggests that creatine can help lower the risk of chronic diseases, adding another layer of appeal for those focused on long-term health.

However, despite its extensive benefits, creatine is often surrounded by misconceptions that may deter potential users. 

In this article, we explore…

  • How creatine can not only boost muscle growth but also enhance memory, brain function, heart health, and overall well-being.
  • Can creatine cause weight gain and hair loss? Debunking these common misconceptions with scientific evidence and more.
  • Our top-recommended creatine product, chosen for its excellent safety profile and proven effectiveness, to help you make an informed and confident choice in your supplementation.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

creatine for muscles

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found primarily in muscle cells, where it plays a crucial role in energy production during high-intensity exercise. 

Widely recognized and utilized in the fitness and bodybuilding communities, creatine has gained popularity for its ability to enhance athletic performance and muscle growth.

It is a nitrogenous organic acid that consists of three amino acids: arginine, glycine, and methionine. 

In the body, creatine is synthesized primarily in the liver and kidneys and is also obtained through dietary sources such as meat and fish. 

It also exists in two forms: free creatine and phosphocreatine, the latter is crucial for the rapid regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells.

How Creatine Works in the Body

Creatine functions by boosting the levels of phosphocreatine in muscle tissues. 

Phosphocreatine plays a crucial role in the rapid regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary energy carrier in cells. 

During intense physical activity, your muscles rely on ATP to fuel contractions. However, ATP stores deplete quickly during exercise, leading to fatigue.

By increasing phosphocreatine stores, creatine supplementation helps your body replenish ATP more efficiently. 

This allows athletes to sustain higher levels of muscular output for longer periods, delaying the onset of fatigue and significantly improving overall performance. 

Essentially, creatine gives your muscles the ability to work harder and recover faster during high-intensity exercise.

Moreover, creatine supplementation has been shown to enhance muscle cell volume. 

This occurs because creatine draws water into the muscle cells, leading to a phenomenon known as cell volumization. 

This not only contributes to muscle growth and performance but also helps create an environment conducive to muscle repair and recovery.

Additionally, some studies suggest that creatine might influence the activity of satellite cells, which are involved in muscle repair and growth. 

By activating these cells, creatine can further aid in muscle recovery and hypertrophy. 

The combination of these effects makes creatine a powerful supplement for those looking to improve their athletic performance and muscle health.

How Creatine Can Boost Your Muscle Gains

Creatine supplementation offers several benefits specifically targeted toward muscle health and performance. 

Firstly, it enhances muscle mass and strength by promoting muscle protein synthesis. 

This process is facilitated by creatine’s ability to increase the availability of ATP, the energy currency of the cell, which is crucial for protein synthesis and muscle growth. 

This makes creatine particularly advantageous for athletes and individuals engaged in resistance training, as it supports the development of lean muscle mass and overall strength. 

Secondly, creatine improves athletic performance by increasing phosphocreatine stores in muscles. 

Phosphocreatine serves as a rapid reserve for ATP production during high-intensity, short-duration exercises. 

By boosting these stores, creatine allows the body to generate energy more efficiently during intense exercise, enhancing performance in activities requiring short bursts of power, such as sprinting and weightlifting.

Furthermore, creatine aids in recovery post-exercise by reducing muscle damage and inflammation. 

It acts as an osmolyte, helping to maintain cellular hydration and integrity, which can mitigate the extent of muscle damage caused by strenuous activities. 

Creatine’s anti-inflammatory properties also play a role in speeding up recovery times between workouts, allowing athletes to train more consistently and effectively.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition discovered that creatine supplementation can enhance muscle mass and strength, improve high-intensity exercise performance, and reduce muscle damage and inflammation post-exercise. 

These combined effects make creatine an invaluable supplement for athletes and individuals seeking to optimize their muscle health and exercise performance.

7 Surprising Benefits of Creatine Beyond Muscle Gain

Creatine supplementation has shown benefits beyond muscle gain and performance enhancement:

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Research shows that creatine supplementation may enhance short-term memory and cognitive processing, particularly under stressful conditions. 

The mechanism behind creatine’s cognitive benefits lies in its role in cellular energy metabolism. 

Creatine is crucial for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells. 

In the brain, ATP is essential for various cognitive processes, including memory, attention, and learning. By increasing the availability of ATP, creatine supplementation can enhance brain energy metabolism, leading to improved cognitive function.

However, under stressful conditions, the brain’s energy demand increases. 

Stress can deplete ATP levels, impairing cognitive performance. Creatine helps replenish ATP stores, thereby supporting cognitive functions even during stress. 

Additionally, creatine has neuroprotective properties, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, which can further enhance cognitive resilience.

One notable study published in the Psychopharmacology journal found that creatine supplementation significantly improved cognitive tasks involving memory and intelligence, especially under stress. 

Of the 281 participants, those who took creatine supplementation showed enhanced short-term memory and improved intelligence/reasoning abilities.

Another study in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology demonstrated that creatine supplementation helped reduce mental fatigue and enhanced working memory during demanding mental tasks.

This is because creatine increases brain creatine stores, which may positively impact cognition and memory, especially in aging adults or during periods of metabolic stress such as sleep deprivation


Creatine has neuroprotective properties that may help reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

This is due to creatine’s role in maintaining ATP levels in neurons, which ensures an adequate energy supply during periods of high demand. 

This is particularly important in neurodegenerative conditions where energy deficits are common. 

Additionally, creatine exhibits antioxidant effects, reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage in the brain, which are major contributors to neuronal damage and death. 

Furthermore, creatine supports mitochondrial function, enhancing its ability to produce energy and reducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Improved mitochondrial function leads to better cellular energy management and reduced apoptosis (programmed cell death) of neurons. 

Creatine also inhibits apoptotic pathways, protecting neurons from programmed cell death, which is crucial in conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, where excessive apoptosis contributes to neuronal loss. 

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Nutrients showed that creatine supplementation can support improved mitochondrial function, delay the onset of motor symptoms, and reduce the severity of neurodegeneration in models of Parkinson’s disease.

Similarly, in models of Alzheimer’s disease, creatine reduces amyloid plaque formation and tau pathology, preserving synaptic function and cognitive performance. 

These findings suggest that creatine supplementation holds promise for reducing the risk and progression of neurodegenerative diseases by enhancing ATP production, reducing oxidative stress, supporting mitochondrial function, and inhibiting apoptosis, thereby maintaining neuronal health and function.

Stress and Fatigue Reduction

Creatine’s role in enhancing ATP regeneration is crucial for reducing mental fatigue and supporting recovery during periods of stress or sleep deprivation.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the primary energy currency of the cell, and maintaining adequate ATP levels is essential for proper brain function. 

During periods of high cognitive demand, stress, or sleep deprivation, the brain’s energy requirements increase significantly. 

Creatine supplementation boosts the phosphocreatine system, which rapidly regenerates ATP from ADP (adenosine diphosphate), ensuring a continuous supply of energy to neurons. 

This enhanced ATP regeneration helps maintain optimal brain function, reducing the onset of mental fatigue and supporting cognitive performance under challenging conditions.

Additionally, creatine acts as a buffer against cellular energy deficits, which are common during prolonged periods of stress or lack of sleep. 

By stabilizing cellular energy levels, creatine helps maintain neuronal integrity and function, preventing the cognitive decline associated with energy shortages. 

The neuroprotective effects of creatine are further supported by its ability to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can impair cognitive function and contribute to mental fatigue.

A study published in the Journal of Scientific Reports showed that creatine supplementation can help improve cognitive performance and reduce the effects of sleep deprivation in mice by enhancing brain energy metabolism.

This is due to creatine inducing positive changes in several key indicators of brain metabolism and energy status, such as PCr/Pi, ATP, and tCr/tNAA levels, while also preventing a drop in pH.

This helps mitigate the adverse effects of sleep deprivation and stress on cognitive function by supporting ATP regeneration and overall brain energy homeostasis.

Therefore, by ensuring a steady supply of energy to the brain, creatine helps maintain cognitive performance and protect against the detrimental effects of prolonged stress and lack of sleep.

Prevention of Sarcopenia

In older adults, creatine supplementation may play a significant role in preserving muscle mass and strength, preventing the effects of age-related muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia

Sarcopenia is characterized by the progressive loss of muscle mass and function, which can lead to reduced mobility, increased risk of falls, and overall decline in quality of life. 

Creatine combats sarcopenia by enhancing muscle energy metabolism. 

Creatine is stored in muscles as phosphocreatine, which serves as a rapid reserve to regenerate ATP during high-intensity activities. 

By increasing the availability of phosphocreatine, creatine supplementation ensures a continuous supply of ATP, supporting sustained muscle contractions and reducing muscle fatigue.

Furthermore, creatine has been shown to enhance the anabolic response to resistance training, which is crucial for muscle maintenance and growth in older adults. 

It promotes the synthesis of muscle proteins and inhibits their degradation, thereby contributing to increased muscle mass and strength.

This effect is particularly beneficial for older adults, who often experience a decline in the body’s ability to build and repair muscle tissue.

A study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that older women who were supplemented with creatine and engaged in resistance training experienced significant improvements in muscle mass and strength compared to those who did not supplement with creatine. 

After 24 weeks of the study, these women show improvements in both upper-body and lower-body strength.

This shows that creatine can enhance the effects of resistance training, making it a valuable intervention for older adults seeking to preserve muscle health.

This, in turn, helps mitigate the effects of age-related muscle loss, improving mobility, reducing the risk of falls, and enhancing overall quality of life.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Creatine can improve heart function and vascular health, potentially reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

This is because creatine can boost cellular energy metabolism. 

Creatine is stored in tissues, including the heart, as phosphocreatine, which serves as a rapid reserve to regenerate ATP during periods of high energy demand. 

By increasing the availability of phosphocreatine, creatine supplementation helps maintain ATP levels, thereby supporting the energy needs of the heart and improving its function. 

This can lead to enhanced myocardial performance, particularly during stress or high-intensity activities, and may also contribute to the protection of cardiac cells from ischemic damage.

Moreover, creatine has been shown to have beneficial effects on endothelial function, which is critical for vascular health

Improved endothelial function helps maintain vascular tone, reduces oxidative stress, and inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and coronary artery disease. 

These cardiovascular benefits are attributed to creatine’s ability to modulate nitric oxide production and reduce inflammatory markers, contributing to healthier blood vessels.

A study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology showed that creatine supplementation in an animal model of heart failure preserved ATP levels, improved heart function, and reduced the extent of cardiac remodeling

It supports cardiac energy metabolism and protect against heart failure.

Moreiver, it contributes to better myocardial performance, reduced oxidative stress, and improved vascular tone, potentially lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Improved Glucose Metabolism

Creatine may also enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake by muscles, offering potential benefits for individuals with diabetes or those at risk. 

This is due to its ability to increase the availability of phosphocreatine, which helps regenerate ATP during periods of high energy demand.

The boost in cellular energy can enhance the activity of glucose transporters, such as GLUT-4, on muscle cells, promoting increased glucose uptake from the bloodstream.

Additionally, creatine has been shown to improve insulin signaling by modulating key pathways involved in glucose metabolism. 

For example, creatine can enhance the activation of the protein kinase B (Akt) pathway, which plays a critical role in the translocation of GLUT-4 to the cell surface, facilitating glucose uptake. 

Improved insulin signaling and increased GLUT-4 activity result in better glucose control and increased glycogen storage in muscle tissues, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that creatine supplementation, combined with exercise, significantly improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals

Participants received either creatine (5g/day) or placebo for 12 weeks. 

Those taking creatine showed a significant decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels compared to those on placebo. 

The creatine group also had lower blood sugar levels during a meal test and improved GLUT-4 protein movement, which suggests better insulin sensitivity. 

Moreover, creatine can enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake by muscles through its effects on cellular energy metabolism and insulin signaling pathways. 

These improvements can help regulate blood sugar levels and support better glucose control, making creatine supplementation beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.

Protection Against Eye Diseases

Emerging evidence suggests that creatine may also play a protective role against certain eye diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

This is because creatine can enhance cellular energy metabolism and reduce oxidative stress, both of which are crucial in maintaining retinal health. 

Creatine helps in the regeneration of ATP, the primary energy currency of cells, which is essential for the high-energy demands of retinal cells.

By maintaining ATP levels, creatine supports the metabolic needs of retinal cells, thereby preserving their function and viability.

Additionally, creatine exhibits antioxidant properties that can mitigate oxidative damage, a key factor in the progression of AMD. 

Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, leading to cellular damage. 

In the retina, oxidative stress can damage photoreceptor cells and the retinal pigment epithelium, contributing to the development of AMD. By reducing oxidative stress, creatine helps protect these critical cells from damage.

Uncovering the Truth About Creatine

There are numerous misconceptions and myths surrounding creatine. Today, I’m here to debunk them using insights from scientific studies and literature.

Does Creatine Lead to Water Retention?

The notion that creatine supplementation leads to water retention primarily stems from early research that observed a rise in total body water (TBW) when subjects consumed 20 grams of creatine per day for six days

These initial studies indicated that creatine could cause short-term water retention. For example, research showed that three days of creatine use increased TBW, extracellular water (ECW), and intracellular water (ICW).

Creatine acts as an osmotic agent, meaning it draws water into cells. When creatine is transported into muscles through a sodium-dependent mechanism, water follows to maintain cellular balance. 

Despite this, the action of sodium-potassium pumps in cells likely prevents significant increases in intracellular sodium levels due to creatine supplementation. This suggests that any water retention from creatine is temporary or minimal.

Longer-term studies (5-10 weeks) have largely shown no significant increases in TBW with creatine use. 

For instance, resistance-trained men who took creatine (0.3 g/kg lean body mass/day for 7 days, followed by 0.075 g/kg lean body mass/day for 28 days) did not show significant changes in ICW, ECW, or TBW. 

Other studies with similar creatine dosing also found no significant increase in TBW for both men and women.

However, a study revealed that while creatine supplementation increased muscle creatine content and body mass, it did not significantly alter ICW or ECW volumes.

Additionally, it was found that combining creatine with resistance exercise for eight weeks led to a significant increase in TBW and ICW volumes compared to a placebo group. 

Importantly, the ratio of skeletal muscle mass to ICW remained stable in both groups, indicating that the retained water supported muscle protein synthesis and contributed to muscle growth over time.

In conclusion, while short-term creatine supplementation may cause a temporary increase in water retention, long-term use does not appear to lead to significant water retention. 

The initial water weight gain is typically transient and part of the process of enhancing muscle creatine content, which ultimately supports muscle growth and performance.

Is Creatine an Anabolic Steroid?

No, creatine is not an anabolic steroid. 

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone, a hormone naturally produced in both men and women. 

These steroids are used to enhance muscle mass and strength by increasing muscle protein synthesis. They work by entering muscle cells, binding to androgen receptors, and promoting the expression of muscle-specific genes.

Creatine, on the other hand, is a compound that the body naturally converts into phosphocreatine, which is then used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells

Supplementing with creatine increases the availability of phosphocreatine in muscles, which helps generate more ATP during high-intensity, anaerobic activities. This boost in ATP can enhance muscle power, improve exercise performance, and support muscle growth over time.

While both anabolic steroids and creatine can lead to improved muscle performance and growth, their mechanisms and legal statuses are distinct. 

Anabolic steroids are classified as controlled substances and are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). They require a prescription for legal use due to their potential for misuse and significant side effects.

Creatine, in contrast, is considered a dietary supplement. It is regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) by the FDA for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). 

Unlike anabolic steroids, creatine is legal to purchase and use without a prescription, and it does not carry the same health risks.

Does Creatine Cause Kidney Damage?

In muscles, creatine and phosphocreatine break down into creatinine, which is then filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in urine. 

Blood creatinine levels are often used as an indicator of kidney function. However, these levels can be influenced by muscle mass, diet, and creatine supplementation.

The myth likely stems from the belief that higher levels of creatine or creatinine due to supplementation could overwhelm the kidneys, leading to damage. 

In reality, temporary increases in blood or urinary creatinine from creatine use do not indicate kidney dysfunction. It is important to consider these factors when evaluating kidney health in individuals consuming creatine or a high-meat diet.

In 1998, a case study reported kidney health concerns in a young male with pre-existing kidney disease who started taking creatine supplements. 

The authors suggested that his kidney function was deteriorating based on increased blood creatinine levels, but they did not account for the known effects of creatine intake on these levels or the patient’s medical history.

Since then, numerous studies have examined creatine’s impact on kidney function. The majority of research, including multiple controlled trials, has found no adverse effects on kidney health from recommended creatine dosages in healthy individuals. 

For example, a review by Persky and Rawson found no significant changes in serum creatinine levels across several studies. A few case reports have noted kidney issues in individuals taking creatine, but these cases often involved pre-existing conditions, medication use, or extremely high doses of creatine.

Overall, the evidence does not support the notion that creatine supplementation harms kidney function in healthy individuals. After decades of research and widespread use among athletes, no link between creatine and kidney damage has been established. 

However, it is always wise to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss or Baldness?

The idea that creatine supplementation may lead to hair loss or baldness primarily comes from a study that involved college-aged male rugby players who took 25 grams of creatine daily for seven days, followed by 5 grams daily for another 14 days. 

The researchers observed a 56% increase in serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels after the initial week and a 40% increase above baseline after the maintenance period.

In contrast, the placebo group, who took glucose instead, did not experience such changes. Since DHT is linked to some types of hair loss, the study led to speculation that creatine might contribute to baldness.  

However, it’s important to note that these findings have not been replicated, and intense exercise itself can also raise androgenic hormone levels.

DHT, a derivative of testosterone formed by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, can bind to androgen receptors in hair follicles and potentially cause them to shrink, leading to hair loss in susceptible individuals. 

In the study, total testosterone levels did not increase in the participants, and free testosterone was not measured. 

The increase in DHT and the DHT ratio remained within normal clinical ranges. Moreover, the baseline DHT levels were lower in the creatine group compared to the placebo group, making the reported increases less alarming. 

This small increase in DHT combined with a slight decrease in the placebo group’s DHT explained the statistically significant result.

No other studies have reported a link between creatine supplementation and hair loss in humans. 

In fact, 12 additional studies have explored creatine’s effects on testosterone levels, with doses ranging from 3 to 25 grams per day over periods from six days to 12 weeks. 

Only two of these studies found minor increases in total testosterone, which were not physiologically significant. 

The other studies reported no changes in testosterone levels, including free testosterone, which is necessary for DHT production.

Does Creatine Cause Dehydration and Muscle Cramping?

There is a common concern that creatine supplementation might lead to dehydration and muscle cramping. 

This belief stems from the early 2000s when limited data and speculation led the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) to recommend against creatine use for individuals engaged in intense exercise or working out in hot conditions

The theory behind this recommendation was that creatine, being osmotically active and primarily stored in skeletal muscle, might shift fluid balance in the body, causing more water to be retained within muscle cells. 

This, in turn, was thought to potentially lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and muscle cramps during intense sweating or heat exposure.

During the initial loading phase of creatine supplementation (about 20 grams per day for 5-7 days), an increase in body mass of 1-3 kg is often observed, largely due to water retention. 

Some anecdotal evidence supports the perception of adverse effects such as cramping. 

For instance, a survey of 219 athletes found that 38% of the 90 creatine users reported negative effects, including cramping

Similar results were noted in another study involving NCAA Division 1 baseball and football players, where 25% reported muscle cramping and 13.5% reported symptoms of dehydration

However, these studies did not control for other supplement use or the specific dosages of creatine consumed, with 91% of participants exceeding the recommended maintenance dose of 5 grams per day.

Contrary to these self-reported surveys, experimental and clinical research provides a different perspective. 

A study monitored injury rates in NCAA Division IA collegiate football players over a football season. In this study, participants chose either creatine (0.3 g/kg/day for 5 days, followed by 0.03 g/kg/day for 115 days) or a sports drink placebo. 

The results showed that creatine users experienced significantly fewer cramps, heat illnesses, dehydration, muscle tightness, muscle strains, and total injuries compared to non-users.

Moreover, a clinical study involving hemodialysis patients, who frequently experience muscle cramping, showed that taking 12 grams of creatine before dialysis sessions reduced the frequency of muscle cramps by 60%

Overall, the evidence suggests that while initial concerns about creatine leading to dehydration and muscle cramping were based on theoretical and anecdotal reports, experimental and clinical studies have not supported these claims. 

Creatine appears to be safe when used as recommended and does not cause dehydration or muscle cramping.

Does Creatine Increase Fat Mass?

There’s a common belief among some people that creatine supplementation might lead to an increase in fat mass, possibly due to the overall increase in body mass that some users experience. 

However, scientific studies, including randomized controlled trials, have not supported this claim.

Short-term studies lasting from one week to three months have consistently shown that creatine supplementation does not increase fat mass. 

For instance, a study involving young and older adults found that while creatine supplementation increased fat-free mass over seven days, it did not affect fat mass. 

Similar findings were reported in swimmers over three weeks and in recreationally active females undergoing high-intensity interval training. 

Additionally, studies involving resistance training over short periods also showed no increase in fat mass with creatine use.

Longer-term studies, extending up to two years, have reinforced these findings. 

For example, a 12-week study involving resistance-trained males found that while lean body mass and muscle fiber size increased, fat mass remained unchanged. Another 12-week study in older males (~70 years) reported no significant changes in fat mass compared to a placebo group. 

Studies on older females over 24 weeks and older adults (50-71 years) over 32 weeks also showed no increase in fat mass with creatine supplementation

In some cases, a reduction in fat mass was even observed, such as in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and older adults participating in resistance training.

A systematic review and meta-analysis further examined the effects of creatine supplementation in conjunction with resistance training on fat mass in older adults. The analysis included 19 studies with a total of 609 participants.

The results indicated that participants supplementing with creatine experienced a greater reduction in body fat percentage compared to those on a placebo, though the absolute fat mass loss was not significantly different.

Is Creatine Only Effective for Males?

The effectiveness of creatine supplementation is not limited to males; it can be beneficial for females as well. 

Research has shown that creatine kinetics can differ between men and women, with women potentially having higher intramuscular creatine levels due to lower muscle mass. 

This higher baseline level may explain why some studies report less pronounced performance improvements in women compared to men.

Hormonal fluctuations throughout different stages of a woman’s reproductive life, such as menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and postmenopause, can affect creatine synthesis and metabolism. 

Estrogen and progesterone, in particular, influence the activity of creatine kinase, an enzyme crucial for creatine’s role in energy metabolism. 

These hormonal changes suggest that creatine supplementation could be particularly beneficial during these stages, enhancing muscle function and overall physical performance.

Animal studies have shown that creatine supplementation during pregnancy can protect against fetal death and organ damage caused by low oxygen levels. 

It also supports the mother’s creatine pool, which can be depleted during pregnancy, potentially reducing risks associated with low birth weight and preterm birth. 

While human studies are still needed, these findings indicate that creatine could be a safe, low-cost nutritional intervention for pregnant women, especially those who do not consume meat, which is a primary dietary source of creatine.

Regarding brain health, women generally have lower creatine levels in the brain, which has been linked to higher rates of depression, especially during reproductive years. 

Supplementing with creatine may enhance brain creatine levels, potentially alleviating symptoms of depression and improving recovery from traumatic brain injuries. 

This is particularly relevant given that depression rates in women are about twice as high as in men during their reproductive years.

Studies on younger women have demonstrated that creatine supplementation can significantly increase muscle mass and strength when combined with resistance training

For instance, creatine has been shown to improve performance in female athletes, such as soccer players, and enhance exercise capacity in strength-trained women. 

In postmenopausal women, creatine combined with resistance training has been shown to improve muscle mass, strength, and functional performance

It also appears to help maintain bone mineral density when paired with resistance training, which is crucial for reducing the risk of fractures. 

Even without exercise, creatine supplementation has been associated with improved muscle function and physical performance in older women.

In summary, creatine is not just effective for males; it offers significant benefits for females as well, particularly when combined with resistance training. 

Is Creatine Beneficial for Older Adults?

Recent research highlights the potential benefits of creatine supplementation in various clinical conditions, including age-related sarcopenia. 

Sarcopenia involves the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength, and functionality, leading to increased risks of falls, fractures, physical disabilities, and mortality. 

While resistance training is crucial for treating sarcopenia, studies suggest that combining it with creatine supplementation may enhance muscle growth and functionality, helping to mitigate the effects of sarcopenia.

In older adults, creatine supplementation has been shown to improve muscle strength, functionality, and daily activities, as well as delay fatigue

However, creatine alone, without accompanying resistance training, is generally ineffective in significantly increasing muscle strength and functional performance

While some studies report minor improvements in muscle fatigue with creatine alone, the majority do not show significant gains in muscle mass without resistance training.

Evidence strongly supports that creatine enhances the hypertrophic response to resistance training in both young and older adults. 

This synergistic effect is likely due to creatine’s ability to increase training volume and intensity, impacting muscle protein synthesis, growth factors, satellite cells, inflammation, and oxidative stress. 

Consequently, combining creatine with resistance training leads to greater muscle adaptations.

Emerging research also indicates that creatine supplementation can benefit bone health in older adults. 

Studies have shown that older men who were supplemented with creatine while engaging in resistance training experienced increased bone mineral content and reduced bone resorption

Similarly, postmenopausal women who supplemented creatine for 52 weeks and undertook resistance training had slower rates of bone mineral loss in the hip region. 

However, creatine alone, without resistance training, did not significantly improve bone mass or geometry, reinforcing the importance of combining creatine with exercise.

In summary, for older adults, the best results from creatine supplementation are achieved when it is combined with resistance training. 

How To Choose The Right Creatine Supplement

Choosing the right creatine supplement is more than just picking any off the shelf. 

Quality matters! 

When you’re looking for a creatine supplement, purity and safety should be top priorities. 

Check those labels carefully to ensure you’re getting a product free from contaminants. 

Look for specifics like creatine monohydrate and third-party certifications from trusted organizations. 

It’s also important to read consumer reviews to get real-world feedback on effectiveness and any possible side effects. 

Your body deserves the best, so choose wisely for your health and fitness goals. 

Creatine+ by Jinfiniti: The Best Creatine For Men and Women

Here at Jinfiniti, we created Creatine+ to provide you with a pure, safe, and effective creatine supplement, not only for your muscle and athletic needs but also for your overall health. 

We offer the first and only creatine product with ATP, the primary energy source for cellular processes. 

Creatine+ contains creatine monohydrate and disodium ATP that work synergistically to provide many critical health benefits and revitalize your cells and body:

  • Two high-purity and natural ingredients
  • Provide cellular energy currency: ATP
  • Store and release ATP to power your muscles as needed
  • Novel neurotransmitter for better brain function
  • Boost muscle mass, the most important longevity organ

This unique formulation not only harnesses the benefits of creatine for boosting muscle strength and growth but also supports ATP production, ensuring a consistent energy supply for muscles during intense workouts. 

Together, they offer synergistic benefits that not only enhance athletic performance but also contribute to overall health and vitality.

1. Enhanced Muscle Performance

ATP is the direct source of energy for muscle contractions, while creatine monohydrate boosts the production and replenishment of ATP. 

When used together, they can significantly increase the availability of ATP, allowing for prolonged high-intensity exercise and improved performance during short bursts of activity.

The increased ATP production facilitated by creatine monohydrate helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue. 

This means athletes can train harder and longer before experiencing exhaustion, leading to more effective workouts and better performance.

2. Improved Muscle Growth and Recovery

Creatine monohydrate is well-known for its ability to enhance muscle protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle growth. 

By ensuring a steady supply of ATP, muscles can contract more forcefully and for longer periods, stimulating greater muscle hypertrophy.

After intense exercise, ATP and creatine help speed up muscle recovery. ATP provides the energy needed for repair processes, while creatine aids in reducing muscle damage and inflammation. 

This results in shorter recovery times between workouts and reduced muscle soreness.

3. Enhanced Cognitive Function

ATP is essential for brain function, providing the energy required for cognitive processes. Creatine has been shown to support brain energy metabolism, enhancing mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive performance. 

This combination can be particularly beneficial in stressful situations or periods of sleep deprivation.

Both ATP and creatine have neuroprotective properties. They help protect brain cells from damage and support overall brain health, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

4. Better Overall Health

ATP is involved in nearly every metabolic process in the body, and creatine supports ATP production. 

This combination ensures that cells function optimally, improving nutrient absorption, waste removal, and overall cell health.

ATP powers immune cells, helping the body effectively fight off infections and diseases. Creatine supports ATP availability, thus enhancing the immune response and contributing to better overall health.

5. Chronic Disease Prevention

Optimal levels of ATP and creatine can help in the prevention of chronic diseases. 

They support cardiovascular health, improve insulin sensitivity, and protect against muscle wasting and cognitive decline, thereby reducing the risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Others may offer creatine or ATP separately, but Jinfiniti’s Creatine+ combines these two essential components for maximum effectiveness.

Not to mention, it’s convenient and price-saving. 

⇒ Learn more about Creatine+ here

How to Use Creatine+

To maximize the benefits of Creatine+, mix one level scoop of the powder with 5-10 oz of room temperature water and consume, with or without food.

For enhanced results, it is strongly recommended to combine Creatine+ with Vitality Boost.

This combination supports the optimization of NAD levels, crucial for ATP production by the mitochondria.

ATP is essential for cellular energy, making this synergy beneficial for improving energy levels, muscle function, and overall performance during physical activities.

For optimal results, use Creatine+ and Vitality Boost together.

Creatine+ is formulated to boost muscle growth and energy by increasing ATP levels, vital for cellular energy. It provides ATP directly and stores it through creatine.

Vitality Boost focuses on optimizing NAD levels, enhancing ATP production from food.

Together, these supplements work synergistically to optimize your health and longevity.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t feel improvements in your energy, health, or muscle gain after taking Creatine+, just send us a message within 60 days, and we will gladly refund your purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

The Power of Walking: How to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, and Other Chronic Conditions

Do you or someone in your family struggle to manage a chronic illness?

Shockingly,  almost 95% of adults aged 60 and older have at least one chronic condition, while nearly 80% have two or more, according to the National Council on Aging. 

This means that in nearly every home, someone is affected by a chronic disease.

These diseases account for 71% of all deaths globally, with cardiovascular diseases leading the way to 17.9 million deaths every year.

Despite these scary stats, a simple yet powerful solution might be right at our feet: walking. 

This form of exercise requires no fancy gear or gym membership.

Everyone can do it regardless of their fitness level or budget.

In this article, we’ll explore how adding a bit of walking to your daily routine can make a difference in fighting chronic diseases. 

Understanding Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases, also known as noncommunicable diseases  (NCDs), are long-term medical conditions that are typically progressive and persistent. 

According to the National Cancer Institute, these conditions often last for three months or longer and may worsen over time

Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines chronic diseases as lasting one year or more, needing regular medical care, and often limiting daily activities. 

While definitions vary slightly across health organizations, they all agree that these diseases seriously affect people’s lives.

The World Health Organization groups chronic diseases into four main types: 

  • Cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and stroke)
  • Cancers
  • Chronic respiratory diseases (such as asthma and cystic fibrosis)
  • Diabetes

The CDC also adds conditions like obesity, arthritis, and oral health diseases to the list. 

Common Risk Factors and Causes of Chronic Diseases

Although chronic diseases aren’t contagious like infectious diseases, they spread everywhere due to shared risk factors, including… 

Unhealthy Diet

Did you know what you eat greatly affects your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some cancers? 

In 2017 alone, poor diet contributed to about 11 million deaths worldwide. 

Eating too much salt and not enough veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats are strongly linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

A diet high in sodium is particularly linked to a higher chance of dying from heart and metabolic issues.

On top of that, too much sugar and refined carbs can up your chances of getting type 2 diabetes, becoming overweight, or developing metabolic syndrome.

When saturated fats and sugars team up, they can also ramp up the risk of kidney and liver diseases.

Unlike natural sugars found in foods, added sugars are especially bad for your health. 

Making informed choices about what you eat can have a huge impact on your health and quality of life in the years to come. 

Inactive Lifestyle

You’ve heard it all before: being a couch potato, not exercising, leading a sedentary lifestyle. 

It all means sitting or lying down a lot with hardly any physical activity. 

These days, more people are glued to screens, whether it’s computers, TVs, or video games. 

Commutes involve long hours sitting in cars, buses, or trains. 

And jobs? They’re more desk-bound than ever before.

In 2011, a study across 76 countries with nearly 300,000 people over the age of 15 found that 1 in 5 weren’t getting enough physical activity.

This sedentary lifestyle has become the norm, and it’s hurting our health.

Not moving much increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and metabolic issues like diabetes and hypertension. 

Physical inactivity is now the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, responsible for 6% of deaths worldwide.

Getting into an active routine will keep you healthy and boost your quality of life.

Tobacco Use

Cigarette smoking remains a huge global health threat, taking a heavy toll on people and society alike.

Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, with at least 69 known to cause cancer and many others that are toxic

When you breathe these in, they affect almost every organ of your body and seriously harm your health.

Even smoking just one cigarette a day for years can lead to smoking-related cancers (lung, bladder, and pancreas).

The more you smoke, the higher your chances of getting cancer grow over time.

In the US, smoking is the top cause of preventable, early deaths, claiming about 480,000 deaths annually. Of these, 36% are due to cancer, 39% to heart disease and stroke, and 24% to lung disease. 

Surprisingly, more Americans have died prematurely from smoking — more than ten times over than in all the country’s wars combined. 

This only shows why we need to tackle smoking-related health issues head-on with focused actions. 

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol, often seen as a social aid, comes with serious health risks that escalate when consumed excessively.

Even though your body can handle a little alcohol, drinking too much overwhelms it, allowing alcohol to circulate throughout your body. 

This can cause various health risks, even if you don’t drink a lot.

Alcohol is classified as a carcinogen, increasing the likelihood of several cancers, including those affecting the breast, liver, and neck. 

Beyond cancer, alcohol consumption is linked to many chronic diseases.

In fact, the International Classification of Disease attributes 25 chronic disease and condition codes entirely to alcohol

One alarming aspect is its impact on high blood pressure, where the risk goes up with more drinking. 

Studies have found that cardiovascular deaths spike on weekends when heavy drinking is more common, like in Lithuania.

In 2019, alcohol was tied to 4.4% of cancers worldwide, resulting in approximately 401,000 cancer-related deaths. 

This shows how alcohol affects public health worldwide, highlighting the need for preventive measures.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in the development of chronic diseases. 

This means that some people are more prone to develop specific conditions because of their genes. 

This susceptibility can stem from mutations in single genes or how different genes interact with the environment.

Many chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, exhibit varying degrees of genetic influence. 

For example, a large study involving over 23,000 participants across four Caucasian populations identified a specific spot on chromosome 9, called 9p21. 

Variations in this genetic region raise the risk of coronary heart disease.

Similarly, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is heavily influenced by genetics. 

If one of your parents has diabetes, you face a 40% chance of getting it too. That risk almost doubles if both parents have it. 

By tailoring health strategies to fit your genetic profile, we can better manage and prevent these diseases, giving you more control over your health choices. 

Environmental Factors

Environmental risk factors account for about 23% of all global deaths, with about two-thirds of these deaths due to chronic diseases

Air pollution is the biggest threat, ranking fourth among all health risk factors globally. 

Annually, air pollution causes 7 million deaths worldwide, with nearly 85% of these linked to chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, COPD, asthma, and lung cancer.

While air pollution gets most of the attention, other environmental issues also contribute to chronic diseases. 

These include radiation, noise pollution, land use patterns, workplace exposures, and the growing impact of climate change. 

Each of these factors can exert lasting health effects, particularly with early or long-term exposure.

Taking steps to reduce exposure to environmental hazards, such as improving air quality standards and promoting sustainable practices, can greatly mitigate health risks.

The Benefits of Walking

When done correctly, walking can offer several benefits that go beyond physical fitness, including…. 

Improved Heart Health

Walking is great for the heart and helps improve circulation. 

When you go for a stroll, your heart rate picks up, boosting blood flow across your entire body

Your capillaries, the small blood vessels in your body, also widen to clear out waste products. 

This enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and vital nutrients to your cells, helping to keep cardiovascular issues at bay.

Regular walking also strengthens your heart muscle, much like how other muscles benefit from exercise. 

This makes your heart more efficient at pumping blood to your lungs and throughout your body, which lowers the risk of heart failure over time.

The American College of Cardiology found that walking more each day can lower systolic blood pressure. Specifically, they observed a drop of about 0.45 points for every 1,000 steps. 

So, if you walk 10,000 steps daily, your systolic blood pressure could be 2.25 points lower than someone who walks just 5,000 steps.

But don’t stress if 10,000 steps feel like too much. 

Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that any amount of daily steps above the referent 2,200 steps/day can help reduce the risk of heart disease and premature death.

Even small improvements in daily walking are better than no walking at all. 

In fact, walking just 30 minutes a day, five days a week can lower your risk of coronary heart disease by 19%

If you can’t squeeze in a 30-minute walk all at once, splitting it into three 10-minute walks spread across five days works just as well!

And if you increase the time or distance you walk each day, you could reduce your risk even further. 

It’s a simple, effective way to keep your heart healthy and strong.

Weight Management

Walking is also a powerful way to manage weight and boost overall health. 

Simply adding 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can help you burn an extra 150 calories. 

That’s like turning a simple walk into a calorie-burning session that pays off over time.

According to the CDC, if you walk briskly at about 3.5 miles per hour, you can burn around 180 calories in 30 minutes if you weigh about 154 pounds. 

The more you walk, the more calories you expend, making it an easy way to support weight management.

But it’s not just about the calories. Walking also helps improve your body composition. 

Recent research highlighted in the journal Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science shows that regular walking can help improve weight, BMI, visceral fat, and fat mass.

It’s a sustainable approach because walking is accessible anytime, anywhere, making it easier to stick with over the long term.

Improved Mental Health

Walking is a game-changer for your mind too. 

Just 10 minutes of walking can lift your mood. 

It’s all thanks to endorphins—the body’s natural mood boosters that kick in during your stroll. 

But there’s more: walking also boosts your brainpower. 

It supports cognitive function and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain, enhancing overall brain function over time. 

Research from the American Psychological Association even suggests that regular walking can sharpen your decision-making skills. 

In fact, brain scans have shown that brisk walkers have more efficient brain activity compared to those who just opt for educational seminars.

For older adults, especially women, walking regularly can be particularly beneficial. 

Studies have shown that physical exercise, like walking, improves brain function and can help prevent cognitive decline

So, when you take that step out the door, you’re giving your brain a workout that enhances mental clarity and well-being.

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Walking is also a powerful way to fight diabetes. 

One of its key benefits is its ability to boost insulin sensitivity. 

This means your cells become more responsive to insulin, helping them efficiently absorb glucose from your bloodstream. 

Research shows that even as little as 17 minutes of brisk walking a day can slash your risk of developing diabetes by 31%

The more intense those steps are, the greater the risk reduction. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Walking can also work wonders on your blood sugar levels. 

A short walk right after a meal, just a couple of minutes long, can lead to lower blood sugar levels.

Post-meal moderate-intensity walking can reduce glucose spikes, making it a smart strategy to manage overall blood sugar levels.

The American Heart Association recommends doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week—like brisk walking—to ward off diabetes caused by not being active enough. 

Fights Obesity

Walking is also beneficial, especially when it comes to fighting obesity.

As mentioned earlier, when you briskly walk for just 30 minutes a day, you’re burning 150-200 calories. 

Over time, this daily calorie deficit adds up, helping you shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

Plus, walking also boosts your metabolism. 

It makes your body more efficient at using glucose and reducing visceral fat—the dangerous fat stored around your organs. 

This type of fat is closely linked to health risks associated with obesity, making walking a vital tool in keeping those risks at bay.

And let’s not forget about appetite control. 

Walking helps regulate hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which influence how hungry or full you feel

This makes it easier to eat well and stay on track with healthy eating habits.

Relieves Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Walking is also a powerful antidote for stress, anxiety, and depression, offering immediate and lasting benefits for mental well-being.

It helps regulate the stress hormone, cortisol, while triggering the release of endorphins that lift your mood and reduce stress. 

A study published in the Molecular Psychiatry journal revealed that even a 20 to 30-minute stroll during lunch breaks can notably lower cortisol levels, making it an accessible stress-buster for busy schedules.

But it’s not just about the time spent walking; where you walk matters too. 

A leisurely hour in nature can decrease stress levels, thanks to the calming effect natural environments have on the brain. 

For those battling anxiety, regular walking shifts focus away from worries and into the present moment.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America notes that just five minutes of walking can kickstart anti-anxiety effects, offering immediate relief.

Plus, walking boosts serotonin—a brain chemical essential that helps regulate mood and promotes feelings of happiness. 

According to a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, adults who do brisk walking for about two and a half hours per week were 25% less likely to experience depression compared to those who just sit around. 

Supports Healthy Bones

When you hit the pavement or trail, you’re not only getting your steps in but also stimulating bone formation and maintaining density. 

This means less risk of osteoporosis and stronger, healthier bones overall.

A study published in the American Journal of Medicine highlights that walking slows the rate of leg bone loss and keeps the skeleton strong.

Aim for brisk walks, 30 minutes a day, three or more times a week, to help keep your bones in top shape. 

Walking also activates osteoblasts, the cells responsible for bone formation, leading to increased bone density over time.

But it’s not just about bones. Walking makes your joints happy too. 

It keeps your joints flexible, reduces stiffness, and helps circulate joint fluid, ensuring that your joint cartilage stays well-nourished. 

Think of it as giving your body’s hinges a regular oiling to keep them smooth and functional.

5 Steps To Incorporate Walking Into Your Routine

Walking for chronic diseases

Here are some practical tips to help you get started with adding walking into your routine and staying motivated:

1. Start slow and gradually increase intensity and duration.

Starting a new exercise routine can be exciting, but it’s important to pace yourself. 

Begin with short walks at a comfortable speed that you can easily manage. 

Think of it as a time to enjoy the fresh air, clear your mind, and get your body moving without any pressure.

As you become more comfortable with your walking routine, you can gradually increase the length and intensity of your walks. 

The key is to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially at the beginning. 

This will help you build a sustainable habit without risking injury or burnout.

2. Set realistic goals and track progress.

Setting realistic goals can keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment. 

Start with something manageable, like walking for 20 minutes a day, three times a week. 

Use a pedometer, fitness tracker, or a simple smartphone app to monitor your steps and progress. 

Watching those numbers go up can be incredibly rewarding and a great motivator to keep going. 

Celebrate your milestones, whether it’s your first full week of regular walks or reaching a new distance.

3. Find a walking buddy or join a walking group.

Walking doesn’t have to be a solo activity. 

Finding a walking buddy or joining a group can make your walks more enjoyable and help you stay committed. 

Having someone to chat with can make the time fly by, and the social aspect can add an extra layer of motivation. 

Look for local walking clubs or community groups, or use social media to find like-minded people in your area.

4. Choose safe and enjoyable walking routes.

The environment you walk in can make a big difference in how much you enjoy it. 

Choose routes that are safe, well-lit, and pleasant. 

Parks, nature trails, and scenic neighborhoods can make your walks more enjoyable. 

Don’t be afraid to mix things up and explore new areas to keep things interesting.

5. Take up a challenge!

If walking for yourself doesn’t quite motivate you, why not do it for a good cause? 

Many charities organize walking challenges throughout the year, offering you the perfect opportunity to put your steps to good use. 

Participating in a charity walk not only benefits your health but also supports a cause you care about. 

It’s a win-win situation – you stay fit, and others benefit from your efforts.

Sometimes the best way to make walking a habit is to integrate it into your daily routine. Here are a few ideas:

  • Schedule walking meetings instead of sitting in a conference room.
  • Park further away from your destination to add extra steps.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Walk during breaks or after meals to aid digestion and reduce stress.
  • Walk your pet or your neighbor’s.
  • Take frequent breaks from your desk to go to the bathroom. 
  • Walk to run errands instead of driving. 
  • Set a timer to remind you to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.

Finally, to get the best results from your walking routine, consider supplementing with Creatine+ and NAD. 

These supplements can help enhance muscle strength and energy levels, complementing the benefits of regular walking.

3 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Chronic Disease with NAD

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. 

This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Creatine+ and Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you lower your risk of acquiring chronic diseases.

Buy Intracellular NAD® Test here.

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

When it comes to optimizing your NAD levels, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and health.

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Lowers your risk of chronic diseases
  • Support health heart
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Manage fatigue
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation, muscle, and joint pains
  • And more.

Buy Vitality Boost here.

Step 3: Take Creatine + 

If you want to boost your energy, recover from your training fast, and lower your risk of chronic diseases, Jinfiniti’s Creatine+ can help.

With Creatine+, you can expect to experience…

  • A burst of energy to help you complete your workouts and stay energized throughout the day. 

While creatine offers energy, Creatine+ also contains ATP, which is essential for muscle energy production and can enhance your performance even further. Other products on the market typically offer only one of these key energy components.

  • Faster progress in muscle growth and strength development. 

Creatine+ is designed to support and enhance your body’s natural muscle-building processes, helping you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.

  • Faster recovery from your workouts than ever before. 

While aches and pains after exercise are normal, Creatine+ can help reduce these discomforts, allowing you to recover quickly and get back to your training with minimal downtime.

  • Building muscle not only improves your physical appearance but also contributes to your overall health and longevity. 

Maintaining muscle mass can help you avoid injuries and common issues associated with muscle loss, bone density reduction, and strength decline as you age. Creatine+ supports your muscle health, helping you live a healthier, more active life.

⇒ Buy Creatine+ here.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels and Creatine+ does not boost your energy, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

NAD for Women: The Secret to Clear and Healthy Skin

NAD for women skin

Over 85% of women will experience some form of skin problem in their lifetime.

Acne impacts 12-22% of women, while eczema affects up to 10% of the population at some point in their lives. 

Psoriasis, rosacea, and melasma also pose significant challenges, with millions of women experiencing these conditions. 

These skin problems can make women feel self-conscious, anxious, and even depressed, affecting their self-esteem and social interactions. 

Not to mention the discomfort, pain, and irritation they feel, which impacts daily activities and overall quality of life. 

Fortunately, optimizing your NAD levels can help manage and improve your skin problems, just like Linda, who finally cleared her persistent skin conditions that had baffled doctors for years.

NAD for women skin

“For years, doctors had no idea what this skin condition was. If they thought they did, they’d give me something to try and it only got worse. 

For some reason, just a few weeks ago, I decided to try Vitality Boost. You can imagine my joy when my skin started to clear up”

~ Linda

5 Reasons for Skin Problems in Women

NAD for women skin

Hormonal Imbalances

Fluctuations in hormones, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger various skin issues. During these periods, levels of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can fluctuate significantly. 

For example, increased testosterone during puberty can lead to higher sebum production, resulting in oily skin and clogged pores, which are common causes of acne. 

Fluctuations in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can also lead to increased oil production, which contributes to acne. Hormonal shifts also play a role in conditions like melasma and rosacea.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, hormonal fluctuations are directly linked to the severity of acne in women, emphasizing the role of androgens in stimulating sebaceous gland activity.

Poor Diet

Diets high in sugar, dairy, and processed foods can contribute to inflammation and exacerbate skin conditions like acne and eczema. 

A study published in Dermato-Endocrinology found that diets high in glycemic load and dairy intake are significantly associated with acne severity.

High glycemic index foods cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, which can increase sebum production and lead to acne. 

Dairy products, on the other hand, can influence hormone levels and inflammation. 

Additionally, processed foods often contain unhealthy fats and additives that can disrupt the skin’s natural balance and contribute to inflammation. 

Environmental Factors

Exposure to pollutants, harsh weather conditions, and UV radiation can damage the skin’s protective barrier, leading to dryness, irritation, and accelerated aging. 

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science found that air pollution is linked to an increased prevalence of skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Pollutants in the air can clog pores and lead to acne and other skin issues. 

Similarly, UV radiation from the sun causes oxidative stress, leading to DNA damage in skin cells, which can accelerate aging and increase the risk of skin cancers. 

Harsh weather conditions, such as extreme cold or heat, can also strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. 


Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the skin. It triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase oil production and inflammation, worsening skin conditions. 

Elevated cortisol levels can lead to an overproduction of sebum, which clogs pores and causes acne. 

Stress also impairs the skin’s barrier function, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens. 

Additionally, stress can trigger inflammatory pathways in the body, exacerbating conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 


Inflammation is a common underlying factor in many skin problems. It can be caused by various factors, including diet, stress, and environmental pollutants. 

Inflammation can lead to redness, swelling, and discomfort, making skin conditions more severe. Chronic inflammation can also disrupt the normal functioning of skin cells, leading to conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. 

By addressing inflammation, it is possible to reduce the severity and frequency of these skin issues. 

A study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology demonstrated that reducing systemic inflammation can significantly improve symptoms of acne and other inflammatory skin conditions.

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) has been shown to help reduce inflammation, offering a promising solution for those struggling with skin problems. 

How NAD Can Help With Skin Problems

NAD for women skin

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a vital coenzyme found in all living cells, playing a crucial role in energy metabolism and cellular repair. Its ability to enhance cellular function and reduce inflammation makes it a powerful ally in the fight against skin problems. 

Here are four ways NAD can improve skin health:

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a common factor in many skin issues, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. By addressing inflammation at the cellular level, NAD can help alleviate symptoms and promote healthier skin.

NAD works by influencing the activity of sirtuins, a family of proteins involved in cellular regulation, including inflammation control. Sirtuins help reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are responsible for inflammation.

As a result, NAD helps modulate the body’s inflammatory response, reducing redness, swelling, and irritation associated with various skin conditions. 

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine found that NAD supplementation reduced inflammation in mice with induced skin inflammation, showing significant reductions in inflammatory markers like TNF-α and IL-6.

Boosts Cellular Repair

NAD supports the repair and regeneration of skin cells, helping to heal damaged skin and improve overall skin health. This is particularly beneficial for conditions like acne and eczema, where skin damage is prevalent.

This is because NAD is essential for the function of PARP (Poly ADP-ribose polymerase), an enzyme involved in DNA repair. It helps repair DNA damage caused by environmental stressors and promotes the regeneration of healthy skin cells.

Research published in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology demonstrated that NAD enhances the repair of UV-induced DNA damage in skin cells, promoting faster recovery and improved skin integrity.

Enhances Hydration and Elasticity

NAD helps maintain the skin’s moisture barrier, improving hydration and elasticity. 

NAD influences the production of ceramides, lipids that are crucial for maintaining the skin’s barrier function. 

This barrier helps retain moisture and protect against external irritants, leading to a smoother and more supple complexion.

A study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that NAD precursors improved skin hydration and elasticity in women with age-related skin dryness, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Protects Against Environmental Damage

NAD strengthens the skin’s natural defense mechanisms, protecting against environmental stressors like UV radiation and pollutants. 

It enhances the activity of antioxidants within the skin, which neutralizes free radicals generated by UV radiation and pollution. It also supports cellular repair processes that fix damage caused by these environmental factors.

This helps prevent further damage and promotes a more resilient complexion.

According to research published in Environmental Dermatology, NAD supplementation increased the skin’s resilience to oxidative stress from UV exposure and reduced the incidence of UV-induced skin damage in mice.

If you want to support healthy skin as you age, always keep your NAD levels optimized. 

In this case, it’s best to check your NAD levels regularly to determine if they are within the normal range, low, or high. Doing so will help you understand whether you need support through supplementation to boost your NAD or not. 

To do this, here are two simple ways to help support healthy skin with NAD optimization.

Two Steps to Support Healthy & Clear Skin

NAD for women skin

Step 1: Test Your Levels With the Intracellular NAD Test

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage to help with your skin problems.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you maintain healthy and clear skin.

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Supplement With Vitality Boost

When it comes to boosting NAD levels, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and support healthy skin, especially in women. 

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, creatine monohydrate, D-ribose, and nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Enhance skin hydration
  • Clear your skin of acne
  • Boost cellular repair
  • Keep your skin youthful even as you age

You can get Vitality Boost here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality Boost supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality Boost for a month.

Afterward, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to support healthy and clear skin as you age…

Order Vitality Boost and Intracellular NAD® Test, or Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 30 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

What Happened During Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference?

Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

Four days might seem like plenty of time to cover a conference dedicated to health and longevity, but the recent Asprey event at the Sheraton Dallas proved otherwise. 

The event could have been divided into three separate areas: the exhibition hall, breakout rooms, and main stage speaking area, each deserving its four-day exploration.

Main Stage Highlights

Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

The Main Stage hosted world-class authorities such as Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Nathan Bryan, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Patrick Porter, and Bryan Johnson. 

These experts delivered their insights to large, attentive audiences.

Meanwhile, the Breakout Rooms were buzzing with activity, offering multiple presentations simultaneously to smaller yet equally engaged groups.

Exhibit Hall Experience

Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

I spent most of my time in the Exhibit Hall, interacting with attendees and observing their biohacking interests firsthand. Here are my key takeaways:

Youthful Attendance

A significant proportion of the biohacker attendees were surprisingly young. 

Unlike other anti-aging and longevity conferences that tend to attract middle-aged and older individuals, this event saw a larger turnout of younger biohackers. 

The Silver Seniors were present but in much smaller numbers.

Lack of NAD Awareness

Despite focusing on living longer and healthier lives, many attendees were unaware of NAD and its role as a foundational, effective biohack supplement. 

Over 70% of those I spoke with needed to learn about NAD.

If you are not familiar with NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), it is a vital coenzyme found in every cell of the body. 

It plays a crucial role in energy production, DNA repair, and regulating cellular processes. 

As we age, NAD levels decline, which can contribute to various age-related health issues. 

Boosting NAD levels can enhance energy metabolism, improve brain function, support healthy aging, and promote longevity. 

By maintaining optimal NAD levels, you can potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being.

Importance of Biomarker Tests

I emphasized the availability of biomarker tests to the mainstream public. 

Biohacking requires measurable baseline data and ways to assess and compare results over time. 

Many attendees were unaware of such tests, especially the Intracellular NAD test and Aging SOS full panel offered by Jinfiniti, which measure 22 important factors related to aging.

Cost of Tests vs. Medical Bills

Some attendees balked at the price of biomarker tests. 

However, I pointed out that the cost of medical bills, expensive drugs, and diminished quality of life when one is ill far outweighs the expense of discovering or predicting potential health issues. 

Additionally, tests can determine if a current NAD supplement is effective or if one is wasting time and money.

Risks of Random Supplementation

Many biohackers were surprised to learn that indiscriminately taking a variety of supplements can harm their health. 

Functional medicine and anti-aging practices have noted increasing kidney and liver damage in individuals who purchase and use all the “latest” supplements without understanding how they interact or if they are necessary for their wellness. 

We saw that the number of supplements taken does not always correlate with optimal health.

Addressing Serious Health Issues

Perhaps most satisfying was helping attendees with serious health issues that their current medical professionals could not resolve. 

At least five visitors to our booth explained conditions that limited their daily functioning. In each case, we discovered sub-optimal intracellular NAD levels as a contributing factor. 

We look forward to following these new customers on their NAD optimization journey, which promises more energy, better mental focus, improved sleep, less inflammation, and other health benefits.

TAO: Harnessing Biomarker Testing Data for Biohacking Success

Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference

During my talk, I discussed the critical role of NAD in biohacking safely. 

When I asked the audience if they believed they could live up to 80 years old or even delay and avoid death, the majority raised their hands, showing a keen interest in longevity.

I introduced them to an ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism, which I have adapted into the TAO steps for optimizing health. These steps are:

  • Test: Identify abnormalities or deficiencies in your body.
  • Act: Define and implement interventions to bring levels within optimal ranges.
  • Optimize: Continuously evaluate the efficacy of these interventions, adjusting actions and dosages for safety and maximum benefit.

By following TAO, you can:

  • Pinpoint specific health issues.
  • Set and achieve optimal health targets.
  • Regularly assess and refine your approach for better outcomes.

In other words, regular testing is key to optimizing NAD levels and your overall health. Repeat testing ensures that your interventions are effective and safe.

If you want to learn more about living a healthier and longer life, you can watch my talk for free below.

TAO: Harnessing Biomarker Data for Biohacking Success


Dave Asprey’s 10th Annual Biohacking Conference was an enlightening event that brought together experts and enthusiasts focused on health and longevity. 

The Exhibit Hall experience highlighted the importance of educating biohackers about foundational supplements like NAD and the necessity of biomarker tests for personalized health tracking. 

The conference underscored the need for informed supplement use and the potential for optimizing health through targeted interventions.

maximize healthy longevity

How to Optimize Your Health and Maximize Longevity — The Jinfiniti Approach

Ever wondered how some people seem to age gracefully while others struggle with health issues as they grow older? 

The answer lies not just in the genes you inherit from your parents, but in how you manage the myriad of environmental factors that influence those genes.

Your Genetic Blueprint

Your genes are like a master code for your health and longevity. This blueprint, passed down from your parents, remains unchanged throughout your life. 

However, what does change is how these genes express themselves. 

Think of it like a light switch: the switch itself (your genes) stays the same, but you can control how often and how brightly it lights up (gene expression).

The Power of Modifiable Factors

Here’s the good news: while you can’t change your genetic blueprint, you have immense control over the factors that influence it. 

These modifiable factors are the key players in how you age and include:

  • Diet and Nutrition: What you eat and drink can either fuel your body or harm it. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can enhance your health, while processed foods and sugary drinks can have the opposite effect.

  • Meal Timing and Portion Control: Not just what you eat, but how much and when you eat can impact your health. Practicing mindful eating and maintaining a regular eating schedule helps in managing your metabolism.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity strengthens your body, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts mental well-being. Whether it’s a daily walk, yoga, or hitting the gym, staying active is crucial.

  • Sleep Quality: How much and how well you sleep affects everything from your immune system to your mood. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful environment.

  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can take a toll on your health. Finding ways to manage stress, such as meditation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, can make a big difference.

  • Environmental Exposures: Pollution, radiation, UV rays, and toxins are all around us. Minimizing exposure by using sunscreen, reducing pollution, and avoiding harmful chemicals can protect your health.

Taking Control of Your Healthspan

All these things together can affect your health.

While you can’t control everything, focusing on what you can change can lead to a healthier, longer life. 

Small, consistent actions—like eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and reducing exposure to harmful environmental factors—add up over time.

Many of us also turn to nutritional supplements. 

However, while we hope these supplements will improve our well-being, reduce our risk of illnesses, and help us live longer, there’s a problem— no one-size-fits-all approach exists in nutrition. 

What works for one person may not work for another, and often, we are unsure of what our bodies truly need. 

This uncertainty raises an important question: how do we know if our supplements are effective?

The Precision of AgingSOS®

Here at Jinfiniti, we want you to maintain perfect balance and harmony so your cells and body function well. 

When you have optimized health, your body stays healthy, and just like a house, it’s worth living. 

That’s why we created AgingSOS®.

AgingSOS® is a specially designed longevity biomarker panel that measures molecular and cellular functions that are altered with age and health status and predispose aging persons to higher risks of developing age-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, renal, neurological, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases. 

These panels focus on biomarkers that represent the underlying causes of major age-related diseases. 

Moreover, it provides you with an overview of your current health status and future risks for diseases as well as actionable information to reduce and reverse subhealth and extend your health span.

AgingSOS® steps in to provide clarity. 

This innovative tool helps identify specific health abnormalities that require attention, allowing for a more personalized approach to wellness. 

The biomarkers measured by AgingSOS® are actionable, meaning they provide clear insights into the areas of your health that need strengthening.

Armed with the information from AgingSOS®, you can take proactive steps to enhance your health. These actions include:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Incorporating more exercise into your daily routine, prioritizing better sleep, and making healthier dietary choices can significantly impact your well-being.
  • Targeted Supplementation: Sometimes, our regular diets do not provide all the nutrients our bodies need. With AgingSOS®, you can identify specific deficiencies and supplement accordingly. 

This biomarker-guided approach ensures that you are not taking unnecessary supplements but rather the ones that will truly benefit your health.

Monitoring Your Progress

AgingSOS® not only helps you take the right steps but also allows you to assess the progress you make. 

By retaking the test after implementing concrete actions, you can see how your health has improved. Initiating these actions is a great first step toward better health and longevity. 

However, monitoring your progress or lack thereof by retaking the test at regular intervals is even more critical for your long-term health and longevity. 

We will recommend the most appropriate time interval for you to retake the test based on your biomarker profile, ensuring you stay on track and continue making strides in your health journey.

Strengthening Your Weakest Links

By focusing on your body’s weakest links, AgingSOS® empowers you to take control of your health. 

This personalized strategy helps you make informed decisions about your lifestyle and supplementation, ensuring that your efforts are both effective and beneficial.

Your Path to Optimal Health with AgingSOS®

In a nutshell, here’s how you can take control of your health and continuously improve it over time:

1. Take AgingSOS® Test

Start by taking the AgingSOS® test

This comprehensive assessment evaluates your unique biomarker profile, uncovering hidden health abnormalities that traditional check-ups might miss. 

By pinpointing specific areas that need attention, the test provides a detailed roadmap for enhancing your health.

2. Optimize Your Health Using the AgingSOS® Results

Armed with the insights from your AgingSOS® test, you can take targeted actions to optimize your health. This includes:

  • Lifestyle Modifications: Implement changes such as increased physical activity, improved sleep quality, and a healthier diet tailored to your needs.
  • Supplementation: Based on your test results, incorporate biomarker-guided nutritional supplements to address deficiencies that cannot be met through diet alone.

These personalized steps ensure that you are addressing your body’s unique needs effectively.

3. Retake AgingSOS®

After you have made these changes, it’s crucial to retake the AgingSOS® test. 

This follow-up assessment allows you to measure the impact of your actions on your health. 

By comparing the new results with your initial test, you can see tangible improvements and identify any areas that may still need attention.

4. Maintain What You Have Optimized

Once you have achieved noticeable improvements, focus on maintaining the optimized aspects of your health. 

Continue the healthy habits and supplementation that have proven effective, ensuring that your hard-earned progress is sustained over time.

5. Retake AgingSOS® Regularly to Maintain Health

To keep your health on track and address any new issues that may arise, retake the AgingSOS® test at regular intervals. 

Periodic testing helps you stay proactive in managing your well-being, allowing you to make necessary adjustments and continue optimizing your health.

By following this structured approach, you can take charge of your health journey with AgingSOS®. 

Regular monitoring and adjustments based on your biomarker profile will help you maintain and enhance your health, ensuring you live a longer, healthier life.

Remember, while you can’t change your genetic blueprint, you have the power to influence how that blueprint is read and implemented. 

By taking charge of the factors you can control, you’re not just improving your health—you’re enhancing your entire life experience. 

So, start today. Make the choices that support a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Follow the steps below to optimize your health and maximize your longevity.

Two Steps to Optimize Your Health As You Age

Step 1: Use AgingSOS®

Order AgingSOS® and once it arrives, use it immediately so you can get insights about:

  • Your overall wellness status
  • Your risk of future health issues
  • Effectiveness of your longevity protocol
  • Actionable Data to Extend Healthspan
  • Actionable data for better management of existing health conditions

Once you have these data, you can now make changes in your lifestyle and incorporate biomarker-guided nutritional supplements — like Vitality Boost— to address deficiencies that cannot be met through diet alone.

Doing so helps reduce your risk of illness and potentially increases your longevity. 

⇒ Order AgingSOS® here

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

When it comes to optimizing your health, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and keep your health optimized.

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Manage fatigue
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation, muscle, and joint pains
  • Support healthy allergic and asthmatic symptoms
  • Improve mental clarity and dementia symptoms
  • Support functions of many organs (liver, kidney, heart, thyroid, fertility)
  • And more

You can get Vitality Boost here.

Using AgingSOS® and Vitality Boost is the perfect combination to help you achieve optimal health and maximum longevity.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Can’t Build Muscle? Discover How to Grow Your Muscle Twice As Fast with NAD

You’ve been hitting the gym regularly, lifting heavier weights, and pushing yourself to the limit. 

You’ve tried various workout routines, followed strict diets, and even taken supplements. 

But despite all your efforts, the muscle gains are minimal. It’s frustrating, and you’re starting to wonder if you’re ever going to achieve your muscle goals.

This struggle is all too common. 

Many gym-goers and bodybuilders face the same issue, feeling stuck despite their hard work and dedication. 

The truth is, that building muscle is a complex process influenced by various factors, and understanding these can help you break through the plateau.

Fortunately, by optimizing your NAD levels, you can boost muscle gains and increase energy, just like Emily Paye, who had the vitality to play basketball, do cardio, and hit the gym regularly.

I’m almost done with my first jar and I can’t believe how my energy levels have improved. I’m finding myself smiling more often and feeling overall much more relaxed.

My boyfriend’s nieces and nephew roped me into playing a basketball game with them over Christmas and despite having done no cardio or regular workout sessions for a few years now, I had plenty of energy even after running back and forth across the gym for probably a solid half hour before the kids finally got bored. 

The energy improvement is very tangible. The mood improvement is subtle but still noteworthy.

The question is: what’s stopping you from achieving maximum muscle gains?

5 Reasons Why You Struggle to Build Muscle

Inadequate Nutrition

Building muscle requires more than just intense workouts; it demands proper nutrition to provide your muscles with the essential building blocks and energy they need to grow.

Without adequate protein and calories, your muscle gains will be limited, no matter how hard you train.

  • Protein Intake: Your muscles need protein to grow, and if you’re not consuming enough, your gains will be limited. Protein is essential for repairing and building new muscle tissue. Without sufficient protein, your muscles won’t have the necessary building blocks to grow.

  • Caloric Deficit: Being in a caloric deficit for too long can hinder muscle growth since your body lacks the energy it needs to build muscle. 

While cutting calories might help you lose fat, it can also deprive your muscles of the fuel they need to grow. Ensuring you consume enough calories, especially from protein and healthy fats, is crucial for muscle growth.

Poor Workout Routine

Even with regular gym visits, without a strategic workout routine, your muscle gains may stall. 

To stimulate growth, it’s essential to progressively increase the intensity and allow adequate recovery time to prevent overtraining.

  • Lack of Progression: If you’re not progressively increasing the weights or intensity of your workouts, your muscles won’t have the stimulus they need to grow. Progressive overload is key to muscle growth; without it, your muscles adapt to the current load and stop growing.

  • Overtraining: Training too often without adequate rest can lead to muscle fatigue and hinder growth. Overtraining can cause your muscles to break down faster than they can repair and grow. Balancing your workout intensity with sufficient rest is essential to prevent overtraining and promote muscle growth.

Insufficient Recovery

Proper muscle growth isn’t just about what happens in the gym—recovery is equally important. 

Without adequate sleep and rest days, your muscles don’t get the chance to repair and grow, hindering your progress.

  • Sleep: Muscles repair and grow during sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep can disrupt this process. Sleep is when your body releases growth hormones, which are critical for muscle repair and growth. Make sure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to boost your muscle gains.

  • Rest Days: Your muscles need time to recover between workouts. Skipping rest days can impede growth. Rest days are as important as workout days because they allow your muscles to repair and grow. Incorporating proper rest into your routine helps prevent injury and promotes muscle growth.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormones play a crucial role in muscle growth, and imbalances can significantly impact your progress. 

Low testosterone and high cortisol levels can make it challenging to build muscle, thus, it’s important to maintain hormonal health through proper diet, exercise, and stress management.

  • Testosterone Levels: Low testosterone can make it difficult to build muscle. Testosterone is a key hormone for muscle growth, and low levels can hinder your progress. Make sure to maintain healthy testosterone levels through diet and exercise can support your muscle-building efforts.

  • Cortisol Levels: High cortisol levels from stress can break down muscle tissue. Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, can negatively impact muscle growth by breaking down muscle tissue for energy. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition can help maintain healthy cortisol levels.

Low NAD Levels

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is essential for energy production and muscle recovery. 

Low NAD levels can hinder your ability to perform intense workouts and slow down muscle growth, making it a crucial factor to address for optimal muscle gains.

  • Energy Production: NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is crucial for converting nutrients into energy, which your muscles need to perform and grow. Without adequate NAD, your muscles may not have enough energy to sustain intense workouts, leading to reduced performance and slower muscle growth.

  • Muscle Recovery: Low NAD levels can impair your muscles’ ability to recover and grow after workouts. NAD is essential for repairing muscle cells and facilitating their growth. Boosting your NAD levels can enhance your muscle recovery process, allowing you to train more effectively and see better results.

5 Ways NAD Can Help You Grow Muscle

Enhanced Energy Production

NAD helps convert your food into usable energy, ensuring your muscles have the fuel they need for intense workouts and growth. 

By improving energy production at the cellular level, NAD enables you to train harder and longer, pushing your muscles to grow. 

This is because of NAD’s role in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, where it acts as a coenzyme in redox reactions. 

This process is crucial for ATP production, the main energy currency of the cell. 

A study published in Molecular Metabolism found that boosting NAD levels can enhance mitochondrial function, leading to increased energy production and improved physical performance.

Improved Muscle Recovery

By boosting NAD levels, you can speed up muscle recovery, allowing you to train harder and more frequently. 

Faster recovery means less downtime between workouts, which can lead to more consistent muscle growth over time. 

NAD also plays a vital role in the activation of sirtuins, a family of proteins that regulate cellular health and stress resistance. 

Sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, help repair muscle tissue by enhancing mitochondrial biogenesis and reducing inflammation. 

Research in the Journal of Cell Science highlights that higher NAD levels facilitate better repair mechanisms in muscle cells, promoting quicker recovery and enhanced muscle regeneration.

Reduced Muscle Fatigue

Higher NAD levels can decrease muscle fatigue, enabling you to maintain peak performance throughout your workouts. 

You can lift heavier weights and perform more reps with reduced fatigue, stimulating greater muscle growth. 

NAD is involved in the regulation of oxidative stress and maintaining the redox balance within muscle cells. 

By reducing oxidative damage and supporting antioxidant defenses, NAD helps preserve muscle function and delay the onset of fatigue. 

A Journal of Applied Physiology study demonstrated that increased NAD availability reduces muscle fatigue and improves endurance during high-intensity exercise.

Increased Protein Synthesis

NAD plays a role in protein synthesis, the process by which your body builds new muscle tissue. 

By enhancing protein synthesis, NAD helps your body efficiently use the protein you consume to repair and grow muscle fibers. 

NAD influences protein synthesis through its effect on the mTOR pathway, a key regulator of cell growth and protein metabolism. 

Activation of mTOR signaling by NAD promotes the translation of muscle proteins, leading to increased muscle mass. 

According to a study in Nature Communications, NAD positively influences protein synthesis pathways, resulting in greater muscle protein accumulation and growth.

Support for Cellular Health

NAD supports the health and function of your cells, including muscle cells, promoting overall muscle growth and strength. 

Healthy cells are more efficient at performing their functions, including energy production and muscle repair, leading to better muscle growth. 

NAD is essential for maintaining genomic stability and activating DNA repair enzymes such as PARPs (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases). 

By supporting these cellular processes, NAD helps prevent muscle cell damage and promotes longevity. 

Research published in the Journal of Skeletal Muscle has shown that maintaining adequate NAD levels is crucial for cellular health, which directly impacts muscle function and growth.

Imagine seeing twice the muscle growth from the same effort you’re putting in now. With NAD, it’s possible. 

By boosting your NAD levels, you can overcome the plateaus and frustrations that have been holding you back. 

Three Ways to Unlock Your Muscle-Building Potential with NAD

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Creatine +, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you boost your muscle gains

Buy Intracellular NAD® Test here.

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

When it comes to building muscles, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and help build your muscles and strength.

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Manage fatigue
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation, muscle, and joint pains
  • And more.

Buy Vitality Boost here.

Step 3: Take Creatine + 

If you want to boost your energy, recover from your training fast, and grow your muscles twice as fast, Jinfiniti’s Creatine+ can help.

With Creatine+, you can expect to experience…

A burst of energy to help you complete your workouts and stay energized throughout the day. 

While creatine offers energy, Creatine+ also contains ATP, which is essential for muscle energy production and can enhance your performance even further. Other products on the market typically offer only one of these key energy components.

Faster progress in muscle growth and strength development. 

Creatine+ is designed to support and enhance your body’s natural muscle-building processes, helping you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.

Faster recovery from your workouts than ever before. 

While aches and pains after exercise are normal, Creatine+ can help reduce these discomforts, allowing you to recover quickly and get back to your training with minimal downtime.

Building muscle not only improves your physical appearance but also contributes to your overall health and longevity. 

Maintaining muscle mass can help you avoid injuries and common issues associated with muscle loss, bone density reduction, and strength decline as you age. Creatine+ supports your muscle health, helping you live a healthier, more active life.

⇒ Buy Creatine+ here.

Start your journey to bigger, stronger muscles today with the power of NAD.

Elevate your workouts, recover faster, and achieve the muscle growth you’ve always dreamed of. 

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels and Creatine+ does not boost your energy, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

NAD for Cancer

Spotting the Signs: 10 Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

NAD for cancer

Cancer remains one of the most significant health challenges worldwide, affecting millions of lives each year. 

According to recent estimates from the World Health Organization, approximately 19.3 million new cancer cases are diagnosed annually. 

This staggering number highlights the widespread impact of the disease. 

However, not everyone who develops cancer is aware of their condition, as many early-stage cancers can be asymptomatic. 

It’s estimated that a significant proportion of people diagnosed with cancer only seek medical attention once symptoms become noticeable.

The emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis, coupled with the physical impact of the disease and its treatments, can affect not only the patients but also their families and caregivers. 

Early detection and awareness of cancer symptoms are crucial in improving outcomes and providing timely treatment, which can enhance the chances of recovery and reduce the overall burden of the disease on patients.

Therefore, it’s important to stay vigilant and observe any changes in your body. 

If you notice something new or unusual that persists for several weeks, make sure to consult your healthcare provider. 

While not every symptom is indicative of cancer, here are 10 signs that should prompt you to reach out to your doctor:

10 Common Symptoms of Cancer

NAD for cancer

Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss is often an early warning sign of several types of cancer, including pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and lung cancer. 

When the body begins to lose weight without a clear reason, it could be due to cancer cells consuming a significant amount of the body’s energy or causing changes in the way the body processes food and nutrients. 

Additionally, some cancers can alter metabolism, leading to weight loss even when diet and exercise levels remain unchanged. 

This unexpected and unexplained loss of weight can occur gradually or rapidly, and it is essential to monitor and report such changes to your doctor.


Persistent fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest can be a significant warning sign of several types of cancer, including leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer. 

This type of fatigue is different from the usual tiredness experienced after a busy day; it is often described as feeling extremely weak, exhausted, and lacking energy despite adequate sleep and rest. 

In leukemia, the body’s production of blood cells is disrupted, leading to anemia and reduced oxygen transport, which can cause profound fatigue. 

Colon and stomach cancers can also cause fatigue by leading to internal bleeding, resulting in anemia, or by disrupting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients effectively. 

This persistent fatigue can interfere with daily activities and quality of life. 


Persistent pain, particularly in specific areas like the back, pelvis, or abdomen, can be a warning sign of cancer, especially when conventional treatments fail to alleviate it. 

This type of pain may vary in intensity and may be constant or intermittent, but its persistence and resistance to usual pain management methods are key indicators. 

Cancer-related pain can result from various factors, including the tumor pressing on nerves, organs, or bones; inflammation caused by the tumor; or the body’s immune response to the cancer. 

Additionally, some cancers, such as pancreatic or ovarian cancer, may not cause noticeable symptoms until they reach an advanced stage, making the presence of persistent pain even more concerning. 

Changes in Skin

Changes in the size, shape, or color of moles or skin lesions can be warning signs of skin cancer. 

These changes may include the development of new moles, changes in existing moles, or the appearance of sores that do not heal. 

Skin cancers, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, often manifest as changes in the skin’s appearance due to the abnormal growth of skin cells

It is essential to regularly monitor moles and other skin lesions for any changes and to seek medical attention if any suspicious changes are detected. 

Changes in Bowel or Bladder Habits

Persistent changes in bowel or bladder habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or changes in bladder function, can indicate underlying colorectal or bladder cancer. 

These changes may include increased frequency of bowel movements, narrow stools, blood in the stool, or changes in urine frequency or color. 

Colorectal cancer can affect bowel habits by causing obstruction or irritation in the colon, leading to changes in stool consistency and frequency. 

Bladder cancer can similarly impact bladder function, causing changes in urinary habits such as increased urgency, blood in the urine, or pain during urination. 

Difficulty Swallowing

Persistent difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, can be a symptom of esophageal or throat cancer. 

This symptom may manifest as a sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest, pain or discomfort while swallowing, or the feeling of pressure or blockage in the throat. 

Esophageal cancer can narrow the esophagus, making it difficult for food and liquids to pass through. Throat cancer can affect the throat muscles and structures, causing swallowing difficulties. 

Persistent Cough

A persistent cough lasting more than a few weeks, especially when accompanied by blood-tinged sputum, can be a warning sign of lung cancer. 

This type of cough may be dry or produce phlegm and can be persistent and worsen over time. 

Lung cancer can irritate or obstruct the airways, leading to chronic coughing. Additionally, lung tumors can cause bleeding, which may result in coughing up blood. 

While a cough is a common symptom of various respiratory conditions, including infections and allergies, a persistent and unexplained cough should not be ignored, as it can indicate a more serious underlying issue such as lung cancer.

Changes in a Wart or Mole 

Any change in the size, color, shape, or texture of a wart, mole, or mouth sore should be closely monitored, as it could be a sign of skin or oral cancer. 

Skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, often presents as changes in the skin’s appearance, such as the development of new moles or changes in existing ones. 

These changes may include an increase in size, a change in color or shape, or the development of irregular borders. 

Similarly, oral cancer can manifest as changes in the mouth’s soft tissues, such as the appearance of new sores or changes in the texture or color of existing ones. 

While not all changes in warts, moles, or mouth sores are cancerous, any unusual changes should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out the possibility of cancer. 

Indigestion or Trouble Eating

Persistent indigestion or difficulty eating can be symptoms of stomach, esophageal, or throat cancer. 

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, can manifest as discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, bloating, or a feeling of fullness during or after meals. 

These symptoms can be caused by tumors obstructing the digestive tract or by cancer affecting the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Difficulty eating, known as dysphagia, can occur due to the narrowing of the esophagus or throat, making it challenging to swallow solid foods or liquids.

Persistent Fever

Persistent fever or frequent infections can be signs of leukemia, a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. 

Leukemia can cause the bone marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, which can impair the immune system’s ability to fight off infections. 

As a result, people with leukemia may experience recurrent infections or have difficulty recovering from infections. 

Additionally, leukemia cells can release substances that cause fever, which may be persistent and unexplained. 

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above persistently, it is critical to consult with your doctor for further evaluation and appropriate management. 

Early detection and treatment can significantly improve cancer outcomes.

Moreover, there are effective ways to minimize your cancer risk through a combination of lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and regular medical check-ups. 

Recent research also showed that supplementing with NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) can help lower your risk of developing cancer. 

So how NAD can help?

How Boosting NAD Can Reduce Cancer Risk

NAD for cancer

Boosting NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) levels can play a significant role in combating cancer through various mechanisms. Here’s how increasing NAD levels can help:

Enhanced DNA Repair

NAD is crucial for the proper functioning of several enzymes responsible for repairing DNA damage, particularly PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase). 

PARP enzymes detect and signal the presence of DNA damage, initiating repair processes to fix single-strand breaks in the DNA.

When DNA damage occurs, PARP enzymes use NAD to add ADP-ribose units to themselves and other proteins involved in the repair process. 

This modification, known as poly ADP-ribosylation, recruits and activates additional DNA repair proteins at the site of damage. 

Essentially, NAD acts as a fuel for PARP enzymes, enabling them to perform their repair functions effectively.

Higher NAD levels ensure that PARP enzymes have an ample supply of NAD, allowing them to work more efficiently. This increased efficiency accelerates the DNA repair process, reducing the time that cells spend with damaged DNA.

Efficient DNA repair also prevents the accumulation of mutations that can occur when DNA damage is not promptly and accurately fixed. Mutations in critical genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer development.

By supporting the efficient repair of DNA damage, higher NAD levels help maintain genomic stability. 

Stable genomes are less likely to undergo the types of mutations that can activate oncogenes (genes that drive cancer) or deactivate tumor suppressor genes (genes that protect against cancer).

The prevention of mutation accumulation directly reduces the risk of carcinogenesis (the process by which normal cells transform into cancer cells). 

This is especially important in tissues with high turnover rates or those exposed to environmental mutagens (substances that cause mutations).

Increased Sirtuin Activity

Sirtuins are a family of NAD-dependent enzymes that play a pivotal role in maintaining cellular health and longevity. 

They are involved in various critical processes, including aging, inflammation, and stress resistance. 

There are seven known sirtuins (SIRT1-7), each located in different parts of the cell and having specific functions:

  • SIRT1, SIRT6, and SIRT7 are primarily found in the nucleus.
  • SIRT2 is mainly cytoplasmic.
  • SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 are located in the mitochondria.

Sirtuins rely on NAD as a cofactor to deacetylate and regulate the activity of various proteins involved in cellular processes. 

When NAD levels are high, sirtuin activity increases, leading to the activation of pathways that promote cellular repair, stress resistance, and metabolic efficiency.

Sirtuins also help mitigate oxidative stress by enhancing the expression of antioxidant genes and improving mitochondrial function. 

SIRT3, in particular, plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial integrity and reducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cellular components and lead to cancer.

Sirtuins, especially SIRT1, regulate inflammation by deacetylating transcription factors such as NF-κB, which are involved in inflammatory responses. By reducing the activity of these transcription factors, sirtuins help lower chronic inflammation, a known contributor to cancer progression.

SIRT6, on the other hand, is directly involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. 

It deacetylates histones and other proteins at sites of DNA damage, facilitating the recruitment of repair machinery. This function is crucial in preventing the accumulation of genetic mutations that can lead to cancer.

By increasing NAD levels, the activity of sirtuins is boosted, enhancing the cell’s antioxidant defenses and reducing oxidative stress. This decrease in oxidative stress helps protect DNA from damage and reduces the risk of mutations that could lead to cancer.

Elevated NAD levels also promote sirtuin activity, which helps suppress chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation creates a microenvironment conducive to cancer development and progression. By controlling inflammation, sirtuins help maintain a healthier cellular environment.

Lastly, sirtuins are known to promote cellular longevity by improving metabolic efficiency and enhancing stress resistance. This contributes to overall cellular health and reduces the likelihood of cancerous transformations.

Improved Cellular Energy Production

NAD is a critical coenzyme in cellular energy production, playing an essential role in both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation—the two main pathways through which cells generate ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.

Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose into pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP and NADH (the reduced form of NAD) in the cytoplasm.

During glycolysis, NAD+ accepts electrons and becomes NADH. This electron transfer is crucial for the continuation of glycolysis, allowing cells to produce ATP anaerobically (without oxygen).

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondria, where NADH produced from glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and other metabolic pathways donate electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC). 

This process generates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, driving the production of a large amount of ATP through ATP synthase.

NAD+ acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons from metabolic substrates to the ETC. This transfer is vital for maintaining the flow of electrons, ultimately leading to efficient ATP production.

By ensuring robust NAD levels, cells can efficiently perform both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. This balance prevents the metabolic reprogramming seen in cancer cells.

Healthy cells maintain normal metabolic pathways, reducing the risk of metabolic alterations that favor cancer development.

Moreover, NAD is crucial for the proper functioning of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. It facilitates the mitochondrial respiration process, essential for ATP production.

Efficient mitochondrial function ensures cells have sufficient energy for repair and regulatory processes, helping to prevent the onset of cancer.

Lastly, adequate energy supply from efficient ATP production supports various cellular repair mechanisms, including DNA repair, protein maintenance, and cell cycle regulation.

Enhanced repair mechanisms reduce the likelihood of mutations and genomic instability, key factors in cancer development.

Promotion of Apoptosis

NAD plays a significant role in cellular pathways that regulate apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death. 

Apoptosis is a tightly controlled process that eliminates damaged, dysfunctional, or abnormal cells to maintain tissue health and prevent the development of diseases, including cancer.

The intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway is activated by internal signals, such as DNA damage or oxidative stress. This pathway involves the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, which activates caspases (proteases that execute apoptosis).

The extrinsic pathway is triggered by external signals, such as the binding of death ligands to cell surface receptors, leading to the activation of caspases.

Sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, are NAD-dependent enzymes that regulate apoptosis by deacetylating key proteins involved in the process. 

SIRT1, for example, can deacetylate and activate p53, a tumor suppressor protein that promotes apoptosis in response to DNA damage.

PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) enzymes also play a role in apoptosis. 

When cells experience severe DNA damage, excessive activation of PARP can deplete cellular NAD levels, leading to a type of cell death known as parthanatos.

Higher NAD levels enhance the activity of sirtuins, which can promote the activation of pro-apoptotic proteins like p53. This leads to the initiation of apoptosis in damaged or abnormal cells.

By ensuring that cells with significant DNA damage or dysfunction undergo apoptosis, increased NAD levels help to prevent the survival and proliferation of potential cancer cells.

Similarly, NAD supports the energy metabolism required for the proper functioning of apoptosis pathways. Adequate ATP levels are necessary for the execution of apoptosis, including the activation of caspases and the formation of apoptotic bodies.

Efficient energy production facilitated by NAD ensures that apoptosis can proceed effectively, removing cells that could become cancerous.

Enhanced Immune Function

NAD is a vital coenzyme in cellular metabolism and plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of immune cells. 

The immune system relies on NAD to maintain the energy balance and perform various functions, including detecting and eliminating cancer cells.

Immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, macrophages, and natural killer (NK) cells, require substantial amounts of energy to function effectively. 

NAD is essential in cellular energy production through glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, providing the ATP needed for immune responses.

Sirtuins and PARP enzymes, which depend on NAD, regulate immune cell activities. 

Sirtuins modulate inflammation and stress responses, while PARP enzymes play a role in DNA repair and cell survival. These functions are critical for maintaining immune cell health and efficacy.

Higher NAD levels support the energy demands of immune cells, enhancing their proliferation and activation. Activated T cells, for instance, proliferate rapidly and differentiate into effector cells that target and destroy cancer cells.

Enhanced immune cell function increases the body’s ability to detect and eliminate cancer cells, reducing the likelihood of tumor formation and progression.

Natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) rely on NAD for the production of cytotoxic granules, which contain perforin and granzymes. These molecules induce apoptosis in cancer cells upon contact.

With adequate NAD levels, NK cells and CTLs can efficiently kill cancer cells, preventing their growth and spread.

Sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, regulate inflammatory responses by deacetylating transcription factors like NF-κB. By reducing chronic inflammation, which can create a tumor-promoting environment, NAD helps maintain a balanced immune response.

Controlled inflammation also prevents the establishment of a microenvironment conducive to cancer development and supports immune surveillance against tumor cells.

Dendritic cells and macrophages are responsible for presenting antigens (including tumor antigens) to T cells, initiating an adaptive immune response. NAD supports the energy-intensive process of antigen processing and presentation.

Efficient antigen presentation ensures that T cells are effectively primed to recognize and attack cancer cells, improving immune system vigilance.

Reduction of Tumor Growth and Metastasis

NAD’s influence on various signaling pathways makes it a key player in the regulation of cell growth and survival. In the context of cancer, manipulating NAD levels can significantly impact tumor progression and metastasis.

NAD is essential for the activity of enzymes and proteins that regulate cell growth and proliferation. These include sirtuins and PARP enzymes, which are involved in maintaining genomic stability and cellular metabolism.

NAD also influences pathways that control cell survival, such as those involving p53, a tumor suppressor protein that can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to DNA damage.

Cancer cells often rely on altered metabolic pathways, such as increased glycolysis (Warburg effect), to support their rapid growth and proliferation. NAD is a critical cofactor in these metabolic pathways.

Higher NAD levels can disrupt the metabolic balance in cancer cells, making it difficult for them to sustain their energy needs and growth rates. This metabolic disruption can slow down tumor growth and make cancer cells more susceptible to treatments.

Many cancer cells also activate survival signaling pathways to avoid apoptosis (programmed cell death). NAD-dependent enzymes like sirtuins can modulate these pathways.

Elevated NAD levels enhance the activity of sirtuins, which can inhibit cancer cell survival pathways and promote apoptosis. This makes it harder for cancer cells to survive, reducing tumor growth and progression.

Tumors require the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to supply nutrients and oxygen for their growth. NAD influences signaling molecules like hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) that regulate angiogenesis.

By modulating these pathways, higher NAD levels can inhibit angiogenesis, depriving tumors of their blood supply and slowing their growth.

Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells to distant organs, involves complex processes like cell migration, invasion, and adhesion. NAD levels influence the activity of proteins and enzymes that regulate these processes.

Increased NAD levels can disrupt the signaling pathways that facilitate metastasis. 

For example, NAD can affect the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are involved in the breakdown of extracellular matrix, a crucial step in metastasis. 

By inhibiting MMP activity, NAD helps prevent cancer cells from invading surrounding tissues and spreading to other parts of the body.

This only shows that maintaining adequate NAD levels is important for overall cellular health and may provide a valuable strategy for cancer prevention and treatment.

Two Steps to Boost Your NAD Levels

NAD for cancer

Step 1: Use the Intracellular NAD test to Know Your NAD Levels

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. 

This test can help determine if you have an NAD deficiency, which may trigger cancer development. 

It also assesses the effectiveness of your NAD supplement and helps you find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you minimize your risk of getting cancer.

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

This clinically validated formulation includes NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide, which synergistically work to:

  • Revitalize your cells
  • Optimize your mitochondria
  • Increase sirtuin activity
  • Improve cellular energy production
  • Promote apoptosis
  • Boost immune function and more.

You can get Vitality Boost here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality Boost supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality Boost for a month.

Afterward, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to lower your risk of getting diagnosed with cancer…

Order Vitality Boost and Intracellular NAD® Test, or grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Extending your health one scoop at a time,

Professor Jin Xiong She

P.S. Have you joined our NAD authority FB Group? Join here—lots of great insights, value-added content, and more.

NAD for fatigue

How NAD Therapy Can Combat Chronic Fatigue

NAD for chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 2.5% of adults in the United States report experiencing fatigue that is severe enough to interfere with their daily lives.

People with chronic fatigue often describe feeling exhausted and worn out, even after getting plenty of rest. 

This persistent fatigue can significantly impact their quality of life, making it difficult to work, socialize, or even perform simple tasks.

In fact, in 2022, 13.5% of adults aged 18 and older reported feeling very tired or exhausted most days or every day in the past three months, according to CDC.

Fatigue is a common reason for seeking medical care and a source of considerable economic burden.

Just take a look at the graph below:

Among men, the percentage was highest among those aged 18–44 years, followed by those aged 45–64 years, and then those aged 65 years and older (8.9%).

Among women, the decline in the percentage with age was steeper, decreasing from 20.3% to 15.3% (45–64 years) and to 11.5% (65 years and older).

The percentage of adults who felt tired or exhausted most days or every day was higher for women compared with men in each age group.

AND… those who are tired all the time seem to die more likely, as suggested by the lower percentages in those older than 65 years.

There are several reasons why people may experience chronic fatigue. Here are the top three:

3 Major Reasons For Chronic Fatigue

NAD for chronic fatigue


Stress is a complex phenomenon that can have profound effects on the body, including contributing to the development and exacerbation of chronic fatigue. This is due to several factors:

First, stress activates the HPA axis, leading to the release of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. 

Chronic stress can dysregulate the HPA axis, resulting in abnormal cortisol levels. A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) often exhibit abnormalities in the HPA axis, suggesting a link between stress and fatigue in these individuals.

Chronic stress can also lead to systemic inflammation and immune dysregulation, which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of chronic fatigue. 

A study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology (PMID: 18614268) found that stress-induced increases in inflammatory markers were associated with increased fatigue severity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Moreover, chronic stress can also lead to alterations in neuroendocrine function, including changes in neurotransmitter levels and receptor sensitivity. 

These neuroendocrine changes can affect mood, energy levels, and fatigue. 

A study published in Psychological Medicine) found that alterations in the serotonin system, which is involved in mood regulation, were associated with increased fatigue in people. 

In conclusion, stress can contribute to chronic fatigue through various mechanisms, including HPA axis dysregulation, inflammation and immune dysregulation, and neuroendocrine changes. 

Poor Sleep Quality

Poor sleep quality is a common complaint among people with chronic fatigue and plays a significant role in the development and exacerbation of fatigue. 

Research has identified several ways in which poor sleep quality can contribute to chronic fatigue:

Poor sleep quality often manifests as sleep fragmentation, characterized by frequent awakenings throughout the night. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that sleep fragmentation disrupts the normal sleep cycle, leading to non-restorative sleep and increased fatigue.

Another way poor sleep quality contributes to chronic fatigue is through alterations in sleep architecture, such as reduced slow-wave sleep and disturbances in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. 

A study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews (PMID: 26298830) found that alterations in sleep architecture can lead to daytime sleepiness and fatigue in CFS patients.

Poor sleep quality can also result from underlying sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or insomnia. These sleep disorders can disrupt the normal sleep pattern and lead to poor sleep quality and fatigue. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that treating comorbid sleep disorders in individuals with CFS led to improvements in fatigue levels. 

Therefore if you want to manage chronic fatigue, you have to address your sleep disorders.

Addressing poor sleep quality is crucial in managing chronic fatigue. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is a highly effective intervention for improving sleep quality and reducing fatigue in individuals with CFS. 

You can also practice good sleep hygiene by sleeping in a cool room and turning off your phone, TV, or any gadgets at least an hour before bedtime to help improve the quality of your sleep.

Low NAD Levels

One often overlooked factor is the role of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) levels in the body.

NAD is a coenzyme found in every cell of the body and plays a crucial role in energy production. It helps convert the food we eat into the energy our cells need to function properly. 

When NAD levels are low, our cells may not have enough energy to perform their essential functions, leading to fatigue and other health issues.

Optimizing NAD levels can help improve chronic fatigue in several ways. 

How NAD Can Improve Chronic Fatigue

NAD for chronic fatigue

First, NAD helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which is crucial for healthy sleep patterns. By supporting NAD levels, individuals may experience improved sleep quality, which can reduce fatigue.

Second, NAD is involved in repairing damaged DNA and maintaining the health of our cells. By optimizing NAD levels, individuals may experience improved cellular function, which can lead to increased energy levels and reduced fatigue.

Third, and most importantly, NAD plays a vital role in mitochondrial function

Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, as they are responsible for producing ATP, the primary source of energy for the body. 

When NAD levels are low, mitochondrial function can be compromised, leading to decreased energy production and increased fatigue.

In conclusion, chronic fatigue is a complex condition with various contributing factors. 

While stress and poor sleep quality are commonly recognized causes, low NAD levels can also play a significant role. 

By optimizing NAD levels through lifestyle changes and supplementation, you may experience improvements in your energy levels and overall quality of life.

Two Steps to Manage Chronic Fatigue

NAD for chronic fatigue

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you manage chronic fatigue. 

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost

When it comes to boosting your energy levels, there’s nothing quite like Vitality Boost

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and combat chronic fatigue. 

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Manage fatigue
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation, muscle, and joint pains
  • Support healthy allergic and asthmatic symptoms
  • Improve mental clarity and dementia symptoms
  • Support functions of many organs (liver, kidney, heart, thyroid, fertility)…

But don’t just take our word for it. See how Vitality Boost improved Melissa’s chronic fatigue issues.

I started using this product about 3 weeks ago and I can honestly say that by week 2 the need for a Power Nap daily has decreased, my energy level has increased, and I am exercising more.

Chronic fatigue has been a negative factor in my life since my early 40s so I was willing to give this a try. So far I’m very pleased and I’m only taking 1 scoop a day! Give this product a try 


Vitality Boost supports healthy NAD levels to revitalize your cells, optimize your mitochondria, and improve your energy so you can do things you love!

Whether you’re feeling fatigued from a busy lifestyle or struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome, 

Vitality Boost can help restore your energy levels and improve your overall well-being.

You can get Vitality Boost here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality Boost supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality Boost for a month.

Afterwards, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to manage your chronic fatigue and boost your energy…

Order Vitality Boost and Intracellular NAD® Test, or Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

NAD and weight loss

Why NAD Levels Matter for Fat Burning and Weight Loss

NAD and weight loss

Imagine a life where simple tasks like tying your shoes or taking a leisurely walk become daunting challenges. This is the reality for millions worldwide struggling with obesity, a condition that not only affects physical health but also imposes significant limitations on everyday life.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with over 650 million adults classified as obese in 2016. This staggering increase is not just a statistic but a reflection of lives constrained by excess weight.

Obesity isn’t just about appearance; it’s about a loss of freedom. It’s about the inability to fully engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. It’s about the things you can’t do—like comfortably fitting into a movie theater seat, enjoying a hike with friends, or playing with your children without feeling out of breath.

But it’s not just the physical limitations; obesity can also impact mental health, leading to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and depression.

In this article, we’ll uncover how NAD can support your weight loss journey and optimize your health.

3 Reasons for Weight Gain as You Age

NAD and weight loss

Metabolic Changes

Metabolism refers to the complex set of chemical reactions that occur in the body to maintain life. 

One aspect of metabolism that significantly impacts weight management is the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy expended by the body at rest to maintain basic physiological functions. 

One of the primary reasons for the decrease in metabolism with age is the loss of muscle mass, known as sarcopenia

Muscle tissue is metabolically active and requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue. 

As muscle mass decreases, the body’s overall energy expenditure decreases, leading to a lower BMR.

Low Estrogen and Testosterone Levels

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism, appetite, and fat storage in the body. As people age, changes in hormone levels can occur, contributing to weight gain.

This has been shown in a study published in the journal Endocrine Reviews, where changes in estrogen and testosterone levels can contribute to weight gain in men and women as they age.

Estrogen in Women

During menopause, women experience a significant decrease in estrogen levels. 

Estrogen helps regulate metabolism and body weight, and its decline can lead to an increase in abdominal fat. 

Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, is particularly harmful as it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

Testosterone in Men

In men, testosterone levels naturally decline with age, leading to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in body fat, especially around the abdomen. 

Muscle mass is important for maintaining a higher metabolism, so a decrease in muscle mass can contribute to a slower metabolism and weight gain.

Low NAD Levels

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme that plays a critical role in various cellular processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair. 

As people age, NAD levels tend to decline, which can have several implications for overall health, including weight gain.

One key role of NAD in metabolism is its involvement in the regulation of mitochondrial function. 

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, responsible for generating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). NAD is a key player in the electron transport chain, a series of reactions that occur in the mitochondria to produce ATP.

As NAD levels decline with age, mitochondrial function can be impaired, leading to decreased energy production. 

This can contribute to a decrease in overall energy expenditure, making it easier to gain weight.

A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism investigated the effects of increasing NAD levels in mice. 

The study found that boosting NAD levels in older mice improved mitochondrial function, increased energy expenditure, and led to a decrease in weight gain compared to control mice.

The mechanism behind these effects involves the role of NAD in regulating sirtuins, a class of proteins that play a role in regulating cellular processes related to aging and metabolism. 

NAD is a coenzyme for sirtuins, and higher NAD levels can enhance the activity of sirtuins, leading to improved mitochondrial function and increased energy expenditure.

5 Benefits of NAD on Fat and Weight Loss

NAD and weight loss

Increasing NAD levels in the body has been shown to have several benefits related to fat burning and weight loss. 

Improved Metabolic Function

NAD is involved in several metabolic pathways, including the breakdown of fats (lipolysis) for energy. By increasing NAD levels, the body may be able to more efficiently convert stored fat into energy, potentially leading to weight loss.

Increased Energy Expenditure

NAD is essential for the function of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell where energy production occurs. By enhancing mitochondrial function, NAD may help increase energy expenditure, which can contribute to weight loss.

Regulation of Circadian Rhythms

NAD plays a role in regulating circadian rhythms, which can impact metabolism and energy balance. By maintaining healthy circadian rhythms, NAD may help support weight loss efforts.

Enhanced Cellular Repair and Function

NAD is involved in DNA repair and cellular maintenance processes. By supporting these functions, NAD may help optimize cellular health, which is important for overall metabolic function and weight management.

Potential Appetite Regulation

Some studies suggest that NAD may play a role in appetite regulation. By influencing signaling pathways involved in hunger and satiety, NAD may help reduce calorie intake, supporting weight loss.

A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that increasing NAD levels in human cells led to increased mitochondrial function and energy expenditure, which are important factors in fat-burning and weight loss.

This only shows that NAD shows promise as a potential aid in fat burning and weight loss by improving metabolic function, increasing energy expenditure, and supporting overall cellular health. 

For supporting healthy NAD levels and achieving your weight loss goals, Vitality Boost stands as our trusted choice in NAD supplementation.

For better results, it’s best to check your NAD levels with our Intracellular NAD test to determine if they are within the normal range, low, or high. This information can help you adjust the amount of Vitality Boost to take for optimal results.

Ready to lose weight and trim off stubborn fats?

Your Next Steps…

NAD and weight loss

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality Boost, optimizing your NAD levels and help you lose weight. 

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Take Vitality Boost. 

This clinically validated formulation includes NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide, which synergistically work to:

  • Revitalize your cells
  • Optimize your mitochondria
  • Manage your appetite
  • Help you burn fat fast, , just like Anna…

A Doctor friend in South America asked me order and take this to him. After reading about it and him speaking of his results I have ordered for my Family too. We are all using it and seeing results. 

It is helping me with fatigue, weight loss and over eating. I am finally able to try and diet. 

Great product and easy to take. I am also having my daughter with Asthma and fibro take it and she is feeling better.

You can get Vitality Boost here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality Boost supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality Boost for a month.

Afterwards, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to lose weight, achieve the body of your dreams, and be healthy…

Order Vitality Boost and Intracellular NAD® Test, or Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Guarantee

If our Vitality Boost fails to increase your NAD levels within 60 days, we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. Please note that tests are non-refundable.