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Peter Diamandis is a renowned figure in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology. His forward-thinking ideas and transformative vision have significantly impac…
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Longevity means staying active Aubrey de Grey is a renowned scientist and futurist who has dedicated his life to studying and researching the phenomenon of aging. With his groun…
NAD's role in Cancer
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NAD plays an active role in potentially helping prevent cancer. NAD also boosts anti-tumor immunity.
Inflammation is a physiological response that occurs in the body to protect against harmful stimuli. In recent years, the field of medical science has placed increasing importan…
Secrets of Long: What the Best Longevity Books Say
“Optimal health will always require attention to nutrition and lifestyle,”  Dr. Devries, Preventive Cardiologist In a world constantly searching for the fountain of youth, …
Research indicates that cellular senescence can be reduced with lifestyle changes and micronutrient optimization like NAD
Research indicates that cellular senescence can be reduced with lifestyle changes and micronutrient optimization like NAD.
Slowing aging may be possible with recent discoveries with sirtuins.
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Sirtuins play an indispensable role in slowing and even stopping aging, improving metabolism, and longevity. “The longevity genes I work on are called ‘sirtuins’, na…
Epigenetic's play a vital role in aging
Epigenetic age is a fascinating concept revolutionizing the understanding of aging and its impact on health. By studying changes in gene expression patterns over time, researche…
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In the field of anti-aging research, one name that stands out is David Sinclair. His groundbreaking work on NAD precursors has been the subject of much interest and speculation….
Epigenetic's play a vital role in aging
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Longevity and life expectancy are two terms often used in discussions about human lifespan and health. While they may sound similar, they have distinct meanings and refer to dif…