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Precision medicine
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Optimized, precision medicine is the future of health because no one person is the same, and when it comes to your health, shortcuts can be costly and even deadly. Imagine you a…
No other molecule is as vital to optimal cellular function as NAD+. While it’s well-known that NAD+ can reduce pain, inflammation, and fatigue while boosting mental clarit…
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Dr. Andrew Huberman is right about a lot of things in regards to health, but he does not have the full knowledge of NAD+ and its precursors that are highly efficient in raising …
Research indicates that cellular senescence can be reduced with lifestyle changes and micronutrient optimization like NAD
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Let’s talk about NAD+ precursors. What are they?  NAD precursors are the very things that your body uses to create its own NAD.  Out of all the NAD precursors that exi…
brain health
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Did you know that the brain’s most powerful weapon against fatigue, neurodegenerative diseases, mental health, and addiction is a coenzyme that you were born with? Noted brain h…
aging seniors
If you can slow your aging, can you delay disease? If you delay disease, can you can delay death? “The loss of NAD as we age, and the resulting decline in sirtuin activity, is t…
healthy food
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88% of Americans are struggling with a problem that can lead to a plethora of diseases and low-life quality: Metabolic dysfunction.  It may not sound as terrible as autoimm…
fatigue from long covid
There are six warning signs of low NAD levels that can help you know when you need to optimize. These signs are often the prerequisite to more serious diseases, but fortunately,…
lab technician, NAD
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. It’s a special molecule you probably know as NAD and it’s all the rage right now, mostly because this coenzyme is crucial to nearl…
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Here at Jinfiniti, we often talk about the things we can do to optimize our health and increase our longevity. But there are also 3 things that can age you quickly unless you ac…